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Diciembre 2022

CGIAR initiative on Livestock and Climate in Kenya: Working closely with key actors to provide knowledge, information and tools needed to make robust evidence-based decisions to reduce food systems emissions.

Diciembre 2022

The workshop provided overview on the food systems landscape in Kenya, and to identify opportunities to inform inputs on crop diversification, livestock, land use expansion, and irrigation. It also contributed immensely into policy and stakeholder mapping exercise in Kenya.

Diciembre 2022

A powerpoint presentation by Fiona Flintan presented at the virtual launch of the FAO e-learning course on Sustainable Drylands Management, 29 March 2023

Diciembre 2022

The CGIAR Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems focuses on reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while transforming food systems. It intends to work closely with key actors in the target countries, supporting them with new knowledge, information and tools to make robust evidence-based…

Diciembre 2022

Kenya therefore is of the view that the implementation of agriculture and food security issues in the Sharm -El Sheikh Joint Work on Implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security requires: enhance support of the means of implementation through coordinated actions, and…

Diciembre 2022

This submission is made in accordance with paragraph 17 of decision 3/CP.27 on elements of the joint work referred to in paragraphs 14–15 of the above decision for consideration by the Subsidiary Bodies at their fifty-eighth sessions (June 2023).