Nh?ng v?n ?? c? b?n v? tr?m tích sông Mê Công
This project examined the linkages between population and demand for food and water. Cambodia, in general, and Pursat Province in particular, have a complex and interesting mosaic of demographic attributes and development issues. The Tonle Sap basin and Pursat catchment possess the country’s…
Forest cover monitoring plays an important role in the implementation of climate change mitigation policies such as Kyoto protocol and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). In this study, we have monitored land cover using the PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band…
Direct payments for the protection of biodiversity (a type of payment for environmental services) have been proposed as an effective tool for delivering conservation outcomes, in a way that also delivers development benefits to local people. Using an impact evaluation framework, this paper…
This working paper examines population growth in Pursat and its potential impact on food demand and land and water resources in a systematic and integrated manner. The main purpose of the paper is to kick-start a policy debate on population dynamics and food and water security in Pursat. The…
In light of the increasingly volatile nature of the land conflict in Cambodia, this report aims to describe the sources, forms and impact of the conflict throughout the country. The report offers an overview of the land conflict throughout the country and provides recommendations to the Royal…
The MK16 report analyses stakeholder roles, relationships, and views on water resources management in Cambodia in general, and Pursat specifically, for developing good IWRM structures that incorporates a shared understanding of the reality and complexity of different stakeholder interests and…