This paper discusses – at the sub-basin level – the regional differences and comparative advantages for agricultural development and water resources utilization in the Nile Basin. It looks at options for development, projected in the regional context, and the importance of agricultural water use…
Meeting symbol/code: ARC 00 5
Examines the relationship of people’s rights in land to the manner in which they may be involved in the management of forests in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Lesotho and to a lesser degree Botswana and Swaziland.Includes examination of…
Proceedings of the meeting including a summary of the resulting recommendations and the text of papers presented
A presentation of the important forest food and utility species in Mozambique with a background description of the country's forest resources
Une analyse de l'état des plantations forestières ainsi que des tendances actuelles du secteur forestier aux niveaux mondial et régional. Le rapport traite des mesures à tenir en compte en ce qui concerne le développement des plantations forestières. Par ailleurs, la perspective des…
La mayor parte de los nmeros de Unasylva se centran en un tema concreto. El objetivo de esa orientacin temtica es examinar de forma pormenorizada un aspecto determinado de las actividades y el desarrollo forestales, con el fin de resaltar su significado e importancia dentro de los confines ms…
La plupart des numros d'Unasylva sont axs sur un thme particulier. L'objectif n'est pas de prsenter une introduction ou un manuel sur le sujet choisi (ce qui serait impossible tant donn le format de la revue), mais plutt de proposer une srie d'analyses sur des aspects…
One of the greatest challenges faced by mankind is to satisfy the needs of the fast growing global population and at the same time preserve land, water, air and biodiversity resources. Livestock are a crucial element in this balancing process. Demand for livestock products is growing fast,…
Most issues of Unasylva focus on a specific theme. The objective of this thematic orientation is to examine in depth a given aspect of forest and forestry development in order to highlight its significance and importance within our wider universe. The aim is not to serve as a primer or textbook…