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This Act concerns law in general applicable in Tuvalu and gives a definition of customary law and other sources of law. The Act also defines powers of the Attorney-General in relation to applied law.Customary law comprises the customs and usages, existing from time to time, of the natives of…


This Act imposes a tax on land to be paid annually by landowners or, in case of leased land and usufruct, by the tenant. Tax shall also be paid by owners of land registered in the register of native lands. Land shall be assessed for tax by the local government council within whose area of…


These Regulations of the Chief Lands Officer, made under section 64 the Native Lands Act, prescribe forms for the register of claims to land and for a certificate of native adoption.
Implements: Native Lands Ordinance. (1978)


These Regulations, made under the Native Lands Ordinance, grant powers to the Tuvalu Lands Officer to administer native estates of deceased persons in case of non-existence of a will or non-valid will. This Officer may also be appointed by will or otherwise to be the administrator in case of…


These Regulations prescribe the form and content of leases and sub-leases of native land requiring the approval of the Minister under section 10 of the Native Lands Ordinance. Every lease shall be prepared in triplicate in the form set out in Schedule 1 to these Regulations. Sub-leases shall be…


This Code of Laws, made under the Native Land Act, governs native land rights in specified islands of Tuvalu. The Code contains rules relative to land ownership rights and the limitation of such rights by the Land Court. The Code also concerns alienation of rights and the distribution of an…


These Regulations implement provisions of the Foreshore and Land Reclamation Act in relation with an application for a licence to the removal substances from the foreshore of any island or islet. The Regulations specify procedures for application, provide the form of licence and require fees to…


This Order prescribes fees for various acts of Land Courts including the non-contentious administration and partition of an estate, the determination and confirmation of a boundary, registration of documents and an appeal against any determination or judgment. It also sets out rules relative to…


This Act regulates matters relative to construction and execution of wills and inheritance of estates of deceased persons. It defines the right to dispose of property by will and defines procedures of and restrictions on inheritance.


This Act provides for title and registration of rights in native land.The Act consists of 65 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Titles to native land (II); Alienation (III); The Land Court (IV); Lands Code (V); Leases (VI); Survey (VII); Penalties (VIII); General (IX).Section 4…


This Act amends the Native Lands Act (Cap 22) in relation with proceedings in any dispute concerning the possession and demarcation and utilization of native lands.Subject to sections 31(1) and 33 of the principal Act, the court shall hear and adjudicate in accordance with provisions of the…


This Act defines the right and procedures to sue the Crown and liability of the Crown and related persons in tort. Proceedings may concern by or against the Registrar of Titles under the Land and Titles Act or proceedings against the Crown for the recovery of land. The Act also concerns the…