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Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs) have recently been introduced as key element in the greening of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. In 2015, farmers across the EU have implemented EFAs for the first time. Data for German federal states indicate a strong variance in EFA decisions with an overall…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

Land resources ofUkraineare characterized by soil cover, which is 60% of the black soil - unique in their structure, properties and potential fertility of soils. They are characterized by deep humusovanyy layer is well defined granular structure, density almost perfect structure, adequate and…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

During the implementation of land reform in independent Ukraine land system changed twice. Today, due to the decentralization of power is his search for a new model for the future, as outlined in this study. Also note that when we formulated the concept refers to the land system - land system,…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

Land resources are among the priority in sustainable development of the State as a whole and its administrative divisions in particular.
Their substantial involvement and integration in most areas of operation, positioning as a factor of productive forces and significant for the sustenance…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

Proved the concept and nature of the environmental safety of life of the urban population. A structural levels in the list of objects to enter the security levels of urban or rural communities of local communities, which changes the nature of the institutional environment environmental security…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

One of the most important problems of the Ukrainian economy is the formation of a civilized land market. We have to admit that the process of formation of private ownership of land in Ukraine entered into a protracted and uncertain nature. Another introduction in Ukraine of the moratorium on…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

The presence of problems in the territorial management of land indicates that the system of state and municipal management does not meet the modern requirements of sustainable (balanced) development. The explanation is simple - if the planning of the development of territories of settlements…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

Summary Fundamental changes of land relations that have been established for the period of land reform in the independent Ukraine and the new socio-economic and environmental problems identified new character and content of the land. During the land reform in Ukraine to land management…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

Adjusting of economic information and statistics to international standards leads to improvement of obtaining the data in the State Land Cadastre. In this regard, the state implemented new methodological approaches and registration forms of data acquisition.
Materials for our research are…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

The main aims of the article is the research areas of optimization of land use and land protection of agricultural landscapes. According to this in the article analysis of the degradation processes in agricultural landscapes, development of land management projects as a tool for optimization of…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo 2017

Article determine the essence of the definition of "region", defined types of regions. In general, we can distinguish four types of regions, formed to implement the tasks under different direction: a) homogeneous regions (formed on the basis of common characteristics – mountain region…

Mayo 2017

This Order sets forth the procedure for performance of normative monetary valuation of agricultural land (arable land, perennial plantations, hayfields, pastures and layland) and and non-agricultural lands incorporated in agricultural land areas. As a result of the normative monetary valuation…