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Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre 2016

Proved that the concept and nature of the terms «land use management» and «land use
planning» in Ukraine are not identical. Determined that land use management is the next
phase of land use planning, it is a kind of its functional superstructure.

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre 2016

Analyzed the basic principles of the assessment of agricultural property within the major
world evaluation standards and their impact on evaluation standards in Ukraine..

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre 2016

In this article studied the experience of Western countries concerning collection
of property taxes and defines the peculiarities of foreign real estate taxation to improve
the efficiency of collecting the aforementioned taxes in Ukraine taking into account
the economic…

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre 2016

Studied global trends of public administration land use and protection. In particular, zemleohoronni measures in the developed world are implemented through rural development policy, based on the conduct of the common agricultural policy, the creation of funds to support farmers, provide…

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre 2016

Analyzed the legal framework of restrictions in land use and their regime facilities (laws, regulations, rules, regulations, standards and classifications. Found that the current classification provides for the conduct of State Land Cadastre is flawed because it does not cover all kinds of…

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre 2016

Analyzed the basic principles of the assessment of agricultural property within the major world evaluation standards and their impact on evaluation standards in Ukraine.

Septiembre 2016

This Order establishes that Chief Regional Department of State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre shall be territorial body operating in contact with the head of local self-government in the process of fulfilling its duties and tasks. The Chief Department, in accordance with the tasks…

Septiembre 2016

Land Code (No. 2768-III of 2001) shall be amended to add the following wording: “Period of lease of agricultural land plots of drained land or with drainage and land reclamation works in course, destined for agricultural production, and smallholding, shall not be less than 10 years”. Law No.161-…

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto 2016

Modern transformations prevailing inUkrainein the sphere of land relations and the use and protection of land are critical and require changes without final rozrushennya existing system of land management, the reform and a new understanding of the nature and forms of modern land management.…

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto 2016

Stages of formation and development of agro-industrial companies - holdings in Ukraine. It was determined that the formation of agro-industrial companies in Ukraine affect the following processes: 1) because of the concentration of land increased production of agricultural products; 2) the use…

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto 2016

In the article the theoretical basis for determining the effectiveness of mass valuation of land in present-day conditions are described. The concept defenitsy effect and effectiveness as economic categories and their classification values for mass valuation of land are presented.…

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto 2016

Transformation processes that take place at the present stage in Ukraine's economy, connected with the formation of innovative development model, which is directly based on obtaining of the new scientific results and their technological implementation in production, зproviding a real GDP…