Pequeña guía con algunas de las prácticas que mejores resultados están dando a los productores en el establecimiento de los sistemas agroforestales.
Sistematización de la experiencia de los programas de FAO en Honduras en la aplicación del sistema agroforestal Quesungual como una opción para el manejo de suelos en zonas secas de ladera.
The preliminary conclusions put forward in this Rural Sector Note may be used as basis for further discussions between the Government and the World Bank to ascertain the mutual interest in any programme or project follow up. Although the problem of funding does not seem to SURINAME: Rural Sector…
This draft report prepared by an FAO - Investment Centre team upon request of the World Bank, is based on an extensive review of available information including technical papers and policy statements on OECS agriculture and on findings of short visits to the OECS countries to review development…
This paper will contribute to mapping out the area of interface of customary water rights and statutory water rights. Based on original surveys and analyses of water legislation and customary water rights and practices in Canada (Nowlan 2004), Ghana (Sarpong 2004), Guyana (Janki 2004), and…
The second volume of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives for 2004 comprises eight articles that examine a range of areas central to land tenure activity. They provide a stimulating and, in some cases, critical set of perspectives on how best to tackle some of these issues.
Esta publicación permite orientar a los técnicos del PESA y a los que trabajan en instituciones relacionadas con Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional sobre aspectos conceptuales relativos al género y la SAN, e impulsar de manera decidida acciones específicas que permitan que los pro- gramas…
This publication reflects part of FAO's work on soil carbon sequestration within the framework of its programme on the integrated planning and management of land resources for sustainable rural development. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the scientific aspects and potential…
Over the past two decades, political developments as well as macro-economic and extra-sectoral policies have affected the forests of Asia and the Pacific to an unprecedented extent, resulting in deforestation and forest degradation. Responding to the diminishing capacity of the region's…
Over the past two decades, political developments as well as macro-economic and extra-sectoral policies have affected the forests of Asia and the Pacific to an unprecedented extent, resulting in deforestation and forest degradation. Responding to the diminishing capacity of the region's…
El proceso de evaluación de los recursos forestales facilita información sobre la situación y tendencias de los recursos forestales a escala mundial, así como su gestión y utilización. Entre las funciones que cumple se puede mencionar: ofrecer información con la mayor exactitud y calidad sobre…