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This Act amends the Development and Planning Law (2008 Revision) in various provisions concerning, among other things: the Planning Department, applications to carry out major developments, application for planning permission, provisions relating permissions for development, the Infrastructure…


Section 11 of the State Land (Regularisation of Tenure) Act, 1998 provides for the granting of a certificate of comfort against ejectment. In accordance with these Regulations a squatter shall apply for a certificate in a prescribed form and attach to the application document of proof of…


El presente Decreto Ley tiene como objeto establecer las normas para la organización y funcionamiento del Catastro Nacional, que es el sistema primario de informaciones constituidas por un conjunto de datos y descripciones de los bienes inmuebles urbanos y rurales, con expresión de ubicación,…


La presente Resolución aprueba el Reglamento que tiene por objeto regular el funcionamiento de la Dirección Nacional de Mensuras Catastrales y sus dependencias, así como el procedimiento y la forma en que se registran los trabajos de mensura, de modificaciones parcelarias y divisiones para la…


La presente Resolución aprueba el Reglamento que tiene como objeto regular por la Dirección Municipal de la Vivienda en que se encuentra enclavado el inmueble, la actividad por cuenta propia consistente en el arrendamiento de viviendas, habitaciones y espacios.
Implementado por: Resolución…


This Ordinance introduces a tax on the ownership of property including land. It also provides for the valuation of property, exemptions from taxation, recovery of taxes, appeals and the administration of provisions of the Ordinance.Conservation land and land designated as heritage property shall…


El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer la información que contiene la certificación catastral, las relaciones entre el catastro y los registros públicos, la participación del Instituto de Planificación Física en el estudio y asesoramiento sobre las modificaciones de los límites a la…


All lands specified in section 2 shall be vested in the Governor for the public uses in the Colony. The Governor in Council may from time to time grant, sell, exchange or lease any of the Crown lands, or any right or easement in or over them or any of them, for such price or consideration or…


This Act provides for town and country planning and other planning in relation with development in Trinidad and Tobago. The Act defines duties of the Minister and establishes an Advisory Town Planning Panel. Development plans shall be prepared by the Minister after a general survey. The Act…


This Act provides for the control on the development of land and for this purpose establishes the Development Control Authority. "It shall be the duty of the Authority to institute a survey of the State, examining the matters which may be expected to affect the development of the State or…


This Act amends the Registration (Strata Titles) Act. It, among other things, establishes the Commission of Strata Corporations and the Strata Appeals Tribunal and in provisions covering a wide variety of matters including the Strata Corporations Register, audit and proceedings of the Tribunal.…


This Act makes provision for the acquisition and disposal of lands by the Crown, for the vesting of land in the Crown and the lease of land by the Crown.All land and public works formerly vested in the Governor-in-Executive Committee shall, pursuant to this Act, vest in the Crown. The Minister…