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The present Regional Act, in compliance with the provisions contained in Act No. 183 of 1989 and Act No. 36 of 1994: (a) lays down rules governing the establishment of basins; (b) provides for the delimitation of areas of soil protection; (c) defines the procedures to be followed to adopt river…


There is hereby laid down the legislative framework in matter of town and country planning, in compliance with the principles of subsidiarity, cooperation and sustainability. The regional territory shall be managed through plans approved at the municipal, provincial and regional levels. In order…


There is hereby laid down the legislative framework relevant to land expropriation, which shall be allowed only for public purposes. The Act defines with detail the procedure to be followed and provides for the compensation which is to be paid to owners.


In compliance with the principles and rules laid down in Legislative Decree No. 36 of 2003, there are hereby established the criteria and procedures for accepting waste on landfills. Installations for inert waste, hazardous waste and non hazardous waste are envisaged.


La presente Orden aprueba la forma de remisión, estructura, contenido y formato de los ficheros informáticos de remisión del padrón catastral, para los bienes urbanos, de características especiales y rústicos.


La presente Ley de arrendamientos rústicos establece la normativa para aquellos contratos mediante los cuales se ceden temporalmente una o varias fincas, o parte de ellas, para su aprovechamiento agrícola, ganadero o forestal a cambio de un precio o renta.
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 26/2005 -…


La presente Resolución aprueba los modelos de actas de inspección catastral y de diligencia de colaboración en la inspección catastral.


Articles 5a and 23a are hereby added to Law No. 7501 on the land. Upon division of the land, the Land Commissions at the villages shall deposit the documentation on land distribution with the cadastre office of the competent district. Article 23a concerns the penalty to be applied to Land…


La presente Ley aprueba el texto refundido del catastro inmobiliario, que es un registro administrativo dependiente del Ministerio de Hacienda en el que se describen los bienes inmuebles rústicos, urbanos y de características especiales tal y como se definen en esta Ley.
Implementado por:…


This Decree-Law, composed of 49 articles and five Annexes, introduces in the national legal system EC Council and Parliament Directive No. 2000/76/CE. This Decree-Law rules on waste incineration with the aim of preventing or reducing its negative effects over environment, especially the…


The present Law lays down certain amendments to Law No. 7715, which amended Land Law No. 7501 on land leasing. According to the new provisions hereby established, the decision of the Municipality or Community Council adopted in accordance with article 21 of Law No. 7501 shall be executive title…


This Law defines the local government structures which shall be in charge of the protection and administration of the land. The Section on Land Administration and Protection is established at the regional level, as a delegation of the Council of Ministers (art. 3). Its functions are listed in…