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Biblioteca Kenya Vision 2030 (Second Medium Term Plan 2013-2017).

Kenya Vision 2030 (Second Medium Term Plan 2013-2017).

Kenya Vision 2030 (Second Medium Term Plan 2013-2017).

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This Vision 2030 is Kenya's development programme covering the period 2008 to 2030. It was launched in 2008 with the overall objective to help transform Kenya into a "newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment." Developed through "an all-inclusive and participatory stakeholder consultative process, involving Kenyans from all parts of the country." The Vision shall be developed using three Pillars which are the basis for comprehensive national development: Economic Pillar - accelerating annual GDP growth to 10 percent on a sustained basis; Social Pillar - achieving cohesive society enjoying equitable social development; Poverty Level and Progress on the Attainment of MDG Goals; Political Pillar - building issues-based, accountable democratic political system. This Second Medium Term Plan (MTP) of the Vision 2030 identifies key policy actions, reforms, programmes and projects that the Government will implement in the 2013-2017 period in line with its priorities, the Kenya 2010 Constitution and the long-term objective of the Vision 2030.The economic pillar in the Second MTP now consists of six priority sectors: tourism; agriculture, livestock and fisheries; trade; manufacturing; BPOs/ITES; oil and other minerals. Under Agriculture and Livestock the second MTP will give top priority to increased acreage under in irrigation in order to reduce the country’s dependence on rain fed agriculture. Measures will be taken to mechanize agricultural production, revive cooperatives and farmers unions, and subsidize farm inputs to raise productivity. In particular, Chapter 4 deals with agriculture, livestock and fisheries and aims to have an: “Innovative, commercially oriented and modern farming livestock and fisheries Sector”. The agriculture sector comprises five sub-sectors - industrial crops, food crops, horticulture, livestock and fisheries and employs such factors of production as land, water and farmer institutions (co-operatives, associations). Kenya will adopt climate-smart agriculture such as harnessing farm waste as source of organic fertilizer, and use of bio-fertilizer that does not contribute to harmful emissions, better weather forecasting/early warning systems, growing resilient food crops, managing post harvest losses and crop insurance. Efforts will be put in place for increased involvement of the youth in income generating ventures in the Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries sector.The suggested programmes and projects are: Implementation of the Consolidated Agricultural Reform Legislation; Fertiliser Cost-Reduction Initiative; Setting up of Five Livestock Disease-free Zones; Expansion of Irrigation Coverage; Fisheries Development and Management. Other interventions were in research and development; improving delivery of extension services; strengthening producer institutions; intensification and expansion of irrigation; seed improvements; livestock development and fisheries development. Additional programmes include: National Agricultural Sector Extension Programme (NASEP); Agri-Business Development Programme; Accelerated Agricultural Inputs Access Programme; Agricultural Credit and Financial Services Access Programme; Integrated Basin based Development Programme; Agricultural Programme for Schools; Revitalising of the Coconut Industry Programme. The Sector will undertake the following institutional and policy reforms aimed at facilitating the sustainability of agriculture and guide the county governments in developing their policies: Agricultural Policy; The National Oceans and Fisheries Policy 2008; National Livestock Policy; National Camel Policy; Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture and Livestock Policy; Agro-chemical Industry Policy; Organic Agriculture Policy; Oil and Nut crops Policy; Sugar Industry Policy; and Develop Insurance Policies that will cushion producers against vagaries of the weather.Oils and other Mineral Resources is a new priority sector under the economic pillar of this plan given the continued discovery of oil and other minerals in Kenya. In the plan period, the government will develop the policy, legal, and institutional framework for the exploitation and management of Kenya’s natural resources (oil, gas and other minerals) for the maximum economic benefit of the country and local communities, done in a transparent and accountable manner. It will also ensure that legislation for transparency and fair sharing the revenue generated is enacted, and safeguards erected to protect the environment and to avoid risks usually associated with huge inflows of resource based external earnings. With regard to energy, a strategy is in place for modernizing energy infrastructure network, increasing the share of energy generated from renewable energy sources, and providing energy that is affordable and reliable to businesses and homes. This will ensure that our energy supply is adequate and efficient in order to support increased use in manufacturing, agriculture, services, public facilities and households.The Social Pillar envisages improving the whole education system and the government will increase support for policies and institutions devoted to promoting gender equity. It will also increase allocation of resources to enterprises led by youth and women. In addition to the Youth Enterprise Development Fund, and Women Enterprise Fund, the Uwezo Fund will provide more funds for loans to the youth, women and vulnerable groups in order to support them start small business. More resources will be allocated to social protection, including cash transfers to the most vulnerable members of our society. The Government will fully implement policies for protection of rights for women, the handicapped and vulnerable groups.Chapter 3 includes a section on land reform arguing that land is the most important natural resource that Kenya is endowed with. It is critical to economic, social, political and cultural development. It is also considered as the principal source of livelihood and material wealth by playing host to natural resources. Secure access to land, sustainable land use planning and equitable distribution of land remain immensely important for food and nutrition security, attraction of foreign investors, employment, foreign exchange earnings, growth of industries and generally the socio-economic development of the country. In this connexion, the specific programmes and projects for 2013-2017 are: National Land Information Management; National Land Title Register; Modernisation of Land Registries; National Spatial Plan; County Spatial Plans; Kenya National Spatial Data Infrastructure (KNSDI); Land Adjudication and Titling Programme.Section 3 of Chapter 5 deals with Environment, Water and Sanitation aiming at “Enhancing a Clean, Safe and Sustainable Environment to Access Water and Sanitation Services”. The section addresses issues such as water, irrigation, land degradation, sanitation, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, forests, wildlife. The following programmes and projects are proposed: Strengthening Environmental Governance; Waste Management and Pollution Control; Rehabilitation of Urban Rivers; Modernisation of Meteorological Services; Rehabilitation and Protection of the Water Towers; Forest Conservation and Management; Forestry Research and Development; Wildlife Conservation Management; Promotion and Piloting of Green Energy; Carbon Credit Trading; Rehabilitation of Storm Water Drainage Systems in Selected Towns; Digitisation of urban plans; Water Resources Management Programme; Transboundary Waters, Water Harvesting and Storage Programme; Marine Resources and Fisheries; Urban Water Supply Sub Programme; Rural Water Supply Sub Programme; Operationalisation of Water Research and Resource Centre (WARREC) Programme; Irrigation and Drainage InfrastructureChapter 7 makes provisions for the implementation of the present Plan. Reference is made to the Constitution of Kenya which provides the basis for Monitoring and Evaluation as an important part of operationalizing government activities to ensure that transparency, integrity, access to information and accountability principles are embraced in resource allocation and management at National and Devolved levels of Government. Therefore, a robust Monitoring and Evaluation system is essential for efficient and effective implementation of the present Medium Term Plan 2013 -2017. The Chapter establishes that capacity building and training on M&E will be undertaken at both the national and county levels throughout the MTP period to ensure its effective implementation. Stakeholders and the public will be able to access data on implementation of programmes and projects at the national and county levels through various channels such as online access, national and county forums, and the Annual Progress Reports (APRs) prepared by the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (MED) of the Ministry of Devolution and Planning.The text consists of 7 Chapters as follows: Setting the Context of the Vision 2030 Medium Term Plan (1); The Macroeconomic Framework (2); Foundations for National Transformations (3); The Economic Pillar (4); The Social Pillar (5); The Policitical Pillar (6); The Implementation Framework (7);

Implemented by: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Strategic Plan 2013-2017. (2013)

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