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21 Agosto 2003
Décret exécutif n° 03-313 du 19 Rajab 1424 correspondant au 16 septembre 2003 fixant les conditions et des modalités de reprise des terres agricoles du domaine national intégrées dans un secteur urbanisable
LandLibrary Resource
21 Agosto 1987
Loi no 87-19 du 8 décembre 1987 déterminant le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles du domaine national et fixant les droits et obligations des producteurs.
LandLibrary Resource
The 1986 Constitution of Liberia is a legal text that outlines the fundamental laws and principles of the nation. Of particular relevance to land governance is Article 15(c), which explicitly refers to the freedom of information.
LandLibrary Resource
The Freedom of Information Act of 2010, enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia, establishes the right of access to information as a fundamental right.
LandLibrary Resource
The Local Government Act, a decentralisation act, clearly delineates the limited functions of local government in relation to land administration. This document is crucial in understanding the role of local authorities in managing land resources and ensuring secure land tenure.
LandLibrary Resource
The document titled "Land Rights Policy," approved by the Land Commission of the Republic of Liberia on May 21, 2013, provides a comprehensive outline of the principles and definitions of four distinct categories of land rights: Public Land, Government Land, Customary Land, and Private Land.
LandLibrary Resource
The document titled "An Act to Establish the Land Rights Law of 2018, Republic of Liberia," which was approved on September 19, 2018, and published on October 10, 2018, provides a detailed legal framework for land ownership and rights in Liberia.
LandLibrary Resource
The Liberia Land Authority Act is a crucial piece of legislation that governs land rights and tenure security in Liberia. This Act provides a legal framework for land governance, outlining the roles and responsibilities of the Liberia Land Authority.
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