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Editores y proveedores de datos

La Biblioteca de la Tierra incluye recursos de más de 1.890 proveedores de información nacionales e internacionales. Aprenda más sobre las organizaciones e instituciones que utilizan el Land Portal para compartir sus investigaciones, datos e historias con acceso abierto.

Mostrando 1651 - 1680 de 2078



Sahrika is a famous Khmer bird that’s oversees Cambodia.  We want to act as a “Sahrika” and oversee trends and patterns in the media in relation to their stories and what’s occurring.

Saint Mary's University


The vision, mission and core values of Saint Mary’s University lay the foundation for the direction and culture of our university.


Saint Mary’s, building on its strong tradition of accessibility and community engagement, will be the University of choice for aspiring citizens of the world.


The mission of Saint Mary’s University:

  • Offer undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs.
  • Engage in research and disseminate its results.
  • Serve the community from the local to the international level.

Core values

In achieving its mission, the Saint Mary’s community is guided by core values of:

  • Academic integrity
  • The pursuit of knowledge
  • Responsiveness to community needs
  • Openness to change
  • Concerns for a just and civil society
  • Commitment to environmental sustainability
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • We recognize the importance of the contribution and growth of each individual in the University's success.

Our commitment to you

The university is committed to accessibility, diversity and the provision of a positive and supportive learning environment through the effective integration of teaching and research. We recognize the importance of the contribution and growth of each individual in the university’s success.


The San Diego International Law Journal (SDILJ) is an academic journal dedicated to the publication of articles that widen the realm of international and comparative legal scholarship. The SDILJ is committed to publishing articles, essays and book reviews written by academics and legal practitioners from all over the world. The SDILJ is especially devoted to attracting articles written by academics and practitioners who are involved in international and multi-national organizations. In addition, the SDILJ shall act as a forum for academic discourse regarding the pertinent and pressing issues of international and comparative law. The SDILJ was founded as a forum for such academic discourse in order to promote the study of international and comparative law in both the United States of America and throughout the world.

Save Cambodia's Wildlife


Save Cambodia's Wildlife (SCW) was established and registered with the Ministry of Interior in July 29, 2002. SCW was initially based in Takeo Province and activities in the first few years included the provision of technical support to Phnom Tamao Rescue Centre, and increasing environmental awareness both within the wildlife rescue centre and with the general public. Back then and up to the present, SCW uses teaching programs, study tours, book publications, videos, presentations and environmental awareness campaigns to educate all levels of society, particularly focusing on youth, children and rural villagers.

Save the Children

The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organisation that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.

In addition to the UK organisation, there are 29 other national Save the Children organisations who are members of the Save the Children Alliance, a global network of nonprofit organisations supporting local partners and Save the Children International in more than 120 countries around the world.

Save the Children (United States)

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the United States and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

Our Work for Children

Save the Children is committed to conducting our programs and operations in a manner that keeps children safe and protects them from harm. We insist on 100% accountability for safeguarding the children we are privileged enough to serve. All Save the Children representatives—including employees, board members, partners and volunteers—are expected to conduct themselves according to this commitment. We have clear procedures to prevent, report and respond to any risks to children.

No matter the challenge, we always put children first in everything we do. Ensuring their safety and well-being is a promise we make to them and our supporters alike.

Scarred lands projetc

Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives is a compelling documentary exploring the under-reported environmental impacts of war and preparations for war. The film confronts the immensely broad ecological and human ramifications of everything from technological development and natural resource exhaustion to weapons testing and modern warfare itself.

Ecosystems around the world are in distress from forces of humanity’s own making: increasing population, unsustainable demands on natural resources, habitat and species loss, and climate change. One of the most destructive of human behaviors – war – is not commonly included as a contributor to the growing global environmental crisis.

Yet, in all its stages, from the production of weapons through combat, military operations pollute land, air, and water, destroy entire ecosystems, and drain limited natural resources.

Using archival material from the Civil War through more recent wars, along with expert testimony and eyewitness accounts, the film clearly presents the environmental and human cost of combat, and argues for public scrutiny of the ecological and human impact of war as essential to a more sustainable – and secure – world.


Science has been at the center of important scientific discovery since its founding in 1880—with seed money from Thomas Edison. Today, Science continues to publish the very best in research across the sciences, with articles that consistently rank among the most cited in the world. In the last half century alone, Science published:

  • The entire human genome for the first time
  • Never-before seen images of the Martian surface
  • The first studies tying AIDS to human immunodeficiency virus

A trailblazer in online publishing as well, the Science family of publications has grown to include two online journals, Science Translational Medicine and Science Signaling—and the bold, new open-access journal, Science Advances.

Science Translational Medicine is an essential platform for peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary research driving the latest medical advances. Science Signaling offers original review articles, protocols and teaching resources for the growing field of cellular signal transduction. Science Advances represents the next generation of online publishing, with rapid publication of significant, full-length research that is available free to readers.

The Science family of journals is published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s oldest and largest general science organization. The nonprofit AAAS serves 10 million people through primary memberships and affiliations with some 262 scientific societies and academies.

A voice for science and scientists everywhere, AAAS fulfills its mission to “advance science and serve society” by communicating the value of science to the public, helping governments formulate science policy, promoting advancements in science education and diversity, and helping scientists develop their careers.

Science Advances


Science Advances is the offspring of Science, created by the opportunities and imperatives of digital, open access publishing.

As American Association for the Advancement of Science’s first open access online-only journal, Science Advances will:

Publish significant, innovative original research that advances the frontiers of science and extends the standards of excellence established by Science.

Publish in a broad array of fields including computer, engineering, environmental, life, mathematical, physical, and social sciences.

Publish quickly to allow new science with potential global impact to be rapidly distributed, discussed, and built upon.

Promote and exemplify concise, readable prose that will allow scientific findings to be understood by a broad range of readers.

Publish cross-disciplinary research and collaborations, to encourage innovative approaches to complex scientific and social problems, and support open discourse among readers in diverse areas of interest and expertise.

Promote and uphold the highest standards in the conduct and communication of scientific research.

Science Target

Science Target Inc. is a growing professional online academic publisher, headquartered and registered in Canada, with a diverse and global focus as appears in its online publications, authors, editors and reviewers. Science Target is committed to offer premier and scholarly publications that covers essential issues and promote professional development in the fields of Environment and Natural Resources, Engineering and Technology, Business and Management, Information Systems and Technology, Healthcare and Biosciences, Arts and Humanities, and Education and Learning.

Through its state-of-the-art online resources, Science Target facilitates dynamic knowledge sharing and utilization among researchers, professionals, decision makers, managers, librarians and universities worldwide. Science Target maintains the highest professional and ethical standards of its business operations and publications.


Our vision is to be one of the world’s most dynamic and leading professional academic publishers.


Our mission is to disseminate scholarly knowledge to scholars through an Open Access platform that ensures unrestricted access to all of its publications. Science Target Inc. supports the advance of knowledge and learning of researchers, authors, editors, experts, librarians, teachers and their students, societies and professionals around the globe - enabling them to do their jobs better by innovative publishing process and facilitating access to cutting-edge publications in wide range of trending topics. Science Target Inc. aims continuously to improve the quality and effectiveness of its products and services to meet customers’ expectations and make an important contribution to society.

Our Values:

  • We are committed to an open, universal and sustainable access model to quality research and academic content. 
  • We value the use of innovative technology to facilitate researchers work and maximize their productivity.
  • We follow, value and support industry standards of cross-referencing, global indexing and archiving. 
  • We believe that ethics plays a vital role in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge.


What is ScienceDirect

Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.

University libraries and institutions offer ScienceDirect access to their communities of researchers.

Researchers, teachers, students, healthcare and information professionals use ScienceDirect to improve the way they search, discover, read, understand and share scholarly research.

Scientific Electronic Library Online



SciELO – un modelo para publicación electrónica en países en desarrollo

El acceso adecuado y actualizado a la información científico técnica es esencial para el desarrollo económico y social, en especial para apoyar los procesos de toma de decisión en la planificación, formulación y aplicación de políticas públicas o para apoyar el desarrollo y la práctica profesional. El resultado de la investigación científica es comunicado y validado principalmente a través de la publicación en revistas científicas. Ese proceso es válido para los países desarrollados o en desarrollo. Sin embargo, las revistas científicas de los países en desarrollo enfrentan graves barreras de distribución y diseminación, lo que limita el acceso y el uso de la información científica generada localmente.

SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online (Biblioteca Científica Electrónica en Línea) es un modelo para la publicación electrónica cooperativa de revistas científicas en Internet. Especialmente desarrollado para responder a las necesidades de la comunicación científica en los países en desarrollo y particularmente de América Latina y el Caribe, el modelo proporciona una solución eficiente para asegurar la visibilidad y el acceso universal a su literatura científica, contribuyendo para la superación del fenómeno conocido como 'ciencia perdida'. Además, el Modelo SciELO contiene procedimientos integrados para la medida del uso y del impacto de las revistas científicas.

El Modelo SciELO es el producto de la cooperación entre FAPESP ( ) - la Fundación de Apoyo a la Investigación del Estado de São Paulo, BIREME ( - Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud, así como instituciones nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con la comunicación científica y editores científicos. Un proyecto piloto, envolviendo 10 revistas brasileñas de diferentes áreas del conocimiento, fue llevado a cabo con éxito entre Marzo de 1997 y Mayo de 1998, con el desarrollo y la evaluación de una metodología adecuada para la publicación electrónica en Internet. Desde Junio de 1998 el proyecto opera regularmente, incorporando nuevos títulos de revistas y expandiendo su operación para otros países. A partir de 2002, el Proyecto conta con el apoyo del CNPq ( ) - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.

Scientific Reports

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals, online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.

Focusing on the needs of scientists, Nature (founded in 1869) is the leading weekly, international scientific journal. In addition, for this audience, NPG publishes the Nature research journals andNature Reviews journals, plus a range of prestigious academic journals including society-owned publications. Online, provides over 6 million visitors per month with access to NPG publications and online databases and services, including news and comment from Nature,NatureJobs plus access to Nature Network and Nature Education's For information on NPG publications, online databases and services, visit the A-Z index or go to the catalog.

Scientific Research Publishing


Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) is one of the largest Open Access journal publishers. It is currently publishing more than 200 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. SCIRP serves the worldwide academic communities and contributes to the progress and application of science with its publication. More than 5000 professional editorial board members support our publishing activities, and 71030 articles have already been published with SCIRP (2017-12-31).


SciPress is a scientific publishing house located in Switzerland with focus on theoretical and applied physical sciences, engineering, earth sciences, social sciences and humanities. The leading edge technology helps our authors worldwide to publish results of their research and development fast & easy.

All over the world SciPress provides web open access to databases of scientific research in various fields, written as high quality stand-alone papers or compiled as special topics volumes, proceedings of international conferences and monographs.

Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano


La misión de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano es impulsar el desarrollo territorial sostenible e incluyente del país mediante el diseño, coordinación e implementación de políticas de ordenamiento territorial, desarrollo agrario y desarrollo urbano y de vivienda adecuada, con un enfoque transversal y articulado con el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, a fin de contribuir a la  mejora  del bienestar de la población que habita o transita en el territorio nacional.

Secretaría General Iberoamericana


¿qué es la Secretaría General Iberoamericana?


El organismo internacional de apoyo a los 22 países que conforman la comunidad iberoamericana: los 19 de América Latina de lengua castellana y portuguesa, y los de la Península Ibérica España, Portugal y Andorra.


Apoyamos la organización de la Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, damos cumplimiento a sus mandatos, e impulsamos la Cooperación Iberoamericana en el ámbito de la educación, la cohesión social y la cultura.


Somos el único espacio oficial de convergencia, trabajo, seguimiento, y acuerdos de la región iberoamericana que reúne países a ambos lados del Atlántico.




SEKELEKANI é uma instituição moçambicana independente, sem fins lucrativos, de promoção de comunicação para o desenvolvimento, conceito que se refere a sistemas de comunicação em dois sentidos, orientados para enaltecer o diálogo entre os decisores de políticas públicas e as partes interessadas, nomeadamente as comunidades destinatárias do desenvolvimento, permitindo-lhes exprimir os seus pontos de vista, as suas aspirações e preocupações, participando, desse modo, na formulação da agenda do seu desenvolvimento.

Senado de la República México

La Constitución establece que en nuestro país el Supremo Poder de la Federación se divide, para su ejercicio, en Legislativo, Ejecutivo y Judicial. El Poder Legislativo se deposita en un Congreso General, el cual a su vez se divide en dos Cámaras, una de Diputados y otra de Senadores.

La Cámara de Senadores se integra por 128 senadores, los cuales son elegidos de entre las fórmulas de candidatos registrados por cada partido político en cada uno de los estados y el Distrito Federal, en este sentido, dos serán elegidos por mayoría relativa que son los candidatos que obtuvieron el mayor número de votos (64 senadores); uno será asignado a la primera minoría que se deriva de la fórmula de candidatos que hayan ocupado el segundo lugar en número de votos (32 senadores); los restantes serán elegidos mediante listas votadas en una sola circunscripción plurinominal y que serán asignados a los partidos políticos a partir del resultado de la votación obtenida en la elección de conformidad con la legislación electoral aplicable (32 senadores).

Senegal National Council for Concertation and Rural Cooperation



The Senegal National Council for Concertation and Rural Cooperation (Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux du Sénégal) works to contribute to the development of peasant agriculture and ensuring sustainable socio-economic livelihoods for small-holder farmers and rural communities. 


The main objectives of the Council are to promote consultations and cooperation for the sharing of knowledge and best practices among its members, while also ensuring the enhancement of peasants' culture and rights, as well as the promotion of peasant sociocultural identity in education systems. The main goal of the Council is to strengthen a regional platform for dialogue between farmers' organizations, within the African continent. The work of the CNCR focuses on capacity building of:

  1. the institutions of rural socio-professional organizations;
  2. the analysis, proposal and negotiation capacities of socio-professional organizations of rural people;
  3. the technical and technological aspects of family farms;
  4. the economic and financial elements of family farms.

The CNCR also aims to develop and control its partnerships with other national, sub-regional and international actors involved in the economic and social development of Senegal.


CNCR's governance bodies are the Council, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, composed by leaders of farmers' organisations and members.

The Board of Directors is formed by 60 members (four representatives per founding member and two for each new member). It has the power to plan, implement and monitor the activities of the CNCR in accordance with the guidelines and programs defined by the General Assembly.  The Executive Board is composed by 18 members and executes the decisions of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors and the Executive Board are both guided by the leaders of farmers' organisations.

Seoul National University Asia Center


The Seoul National University Asia Center (SNUAC) is a research and international exchange institute based in Seoul, South Korea.

The SNUAC’s most distinctive feature is its cooperative approach in fostering research projects and international exchange program through close interactions between regional and thematic research programs about Asia and the world.

SNUAC was officially launched in February 2009 in the backdrop of Asian Era that requires enhanced understanding of various Asian countries and the production of new knowledge on them. To pursue its mission to become a hub of Asian Studies, SNUAC research teams are divided by different regions and themes. As of 2016, SNUAC has three regional research centers, seven thematic research programs, and social science data archive. Regional research centers focus on three regions in Asia covering Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia, and thematic research programs include US-China Relations, Democracy and Economic Development, Popular Culture, Civil Society and NGOs, Asia-Global Economic Order, Environmental Cooperation, and East Asian Cities. In addition, social science data archive is working to collect empirical data across Asian countries. These research centers and programs are closely integrated, providing a solid foundation for deeper analysis of Asian society.

SNUAC has also laid a strong foundation for its mission through a wide range of supporting activities. In addition to promoting excellence in research, it supports various academic events, including special lectures, workshops, and national and international conferences. It is also fully engaged in building a network of Asian scholars, nurturing next-generation academics.

Seres Humanos, Igualdad y Equidad de Género


SHIEG, Seres Humanos, Igualdad y Equidad de Género A. C., conoce la situación de desigualdad y desprotección de los derechos humanos en que viven millones de personas alrededor del mundo y, en específico, en México. Motivo por el cuál, es imperativo que los mismos ciudadanos tomen parte de una acción pronta y efectiva para mejorar las condiciones de vida de sus comunidades.

Somos una asociación civil con miras a alcanzar dicho propósito, un mundo en el que todos los seres humanos vivan en armonía y gocen plenamente de todas sus garantías individuales. Buscamos pues, fortalecer y fomentar el goce y ejercicio de los derechos humanos; promover la realización de obras y la prestación de servicios públicos para beneficio de la población, así como apoyar a los grupos vulnerables y en desventaja social en la realización de sus objetivos.

En 2014, impartimos talleres de plomería, pintura, electricidad, trabajo social y pedagogía, enfermería y psicología infantil, en el Refugio para ,eomujeres que viven violencia familiar, adscrito a la Dirección de Atención y Prevención de la Violencia Familiar que depende de la Dirección General de Igualdad y Diversidad Social.

Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario


El SERIDA es un organismo público del Principado de Asturias con personalidad jurídica propia, creado mediante la Ley 5/1999, que tiene por finalidad contribuir a la modernización y mejora de las capacidades del sector agroalimentario regional mediante el impulso y ejecución de la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico agroalimentario, a fin de conseguir una mejora de la productividad, la diversificación en el sector y la elevación de las rentas de los activos primarios.

Desde que el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias asumió las competencias en investigación agraria, éstas fueron gestionadas por la consejería competente en materia de agroalimentación, que actualmente es la Consejería de Agroganadería y Recursos Autóctonos. En esta consejería, dentro de la Dirección General de Agroalimentación, es el Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario (SERIDA) quien ejecuta los programas de investigación agraria y alimentaria.

Setem Federación


Federación SETEM nace en 1995 como fruto de la asociación de las asociaciones SETEM de distintas comunidades autónomas, cada una de ellas con entidad jurídica propia, pero todas con un objetivo común: sensibilizar a la Ciudadanía sobre la desigualdad Norte-Sur y sus causas, promoviendo las transformaciones personales y colectivas necesarias para conseguir un mundo más justo.

La primera organización SETEM nace en Catalunya en 1968. Posteriormente se fundan los distintos SETEM en las distintas comunidades autónomas. En 1991: SETEM Andalucía, SETEM MCM (Madrid Castilla-La Mancha), SETEM Hego Haizea (Euskadi); en 1992 SETEM Aragón, SETEM Navarra/Nafarroa y SETEM La Rioja; en 1993 SETEM Comunitat Valenciana y Amarante SETEM (Galicia); en 2008 SETEM Extremadura.

Como Federación SETEM, de manera coordinada y adaptándose a las peculiaridades de cada SETEM autonómico, llevamos a cabo desde nuestros inicios una serie de actividades comunes:

La sensibilización y formación (Educación para el Desarrollo) a través de cursos, viajes, talleres, publicaciones y campañas.
La promoción de alternativas, principalmente de Comercio Justo, Finanzas Éticas, por medio de campañas (Campaña Ropa Limpia, Cambia Tus Zapatos. Banca armada...), programas especializados y venta de productos.
La solidaridad con organizaciones del Sur mediante intercambios y actividades de cooperación.
Como consecuencia de los años de crisis económica en España, en 2013 se produjo el cierre de la asociación SETEM Aragón y en 2015 el de SETEM Extremadura.

En la actualidad Federación SETEM está formada por ocho asociaciones in dependientes que funcionamos de manera coordinada bajo la normativa de los Estatutos de Federación aunque cada asociación tiene sus propios Estatutos de funcionamiento particular.

Seychelles Legal Information Institute


The Seychelles Legal Information Institute (SeyLII) offers free and anonymous access to case law, legislation and secondary legal materials from the Seychelles. SeyLII is an independent, self-funded organisation and needs your support.

SeyLII was established in 2012 under the auspices of the Judiciary of Seychelles and with the support of AfricanLII.  It became an independent registered association in 2015. SEYLII is a member of the international Free Access to Law Movement and subscribes to the principles of the Declaration on Free Access to Law

The vision of SeyLII is to be the primary legal resource institution in Seychelles, providing free, reliable online access to essential Seychelles legal resources. These core resources have not previously been readily or cheaply available to most citizens of Seychelles. They make it easier for practitioners and judges to research the law, to prepare cases for hearing, and to write fairly researched judgments and decisions, and for lawyers and non-lawyers (both local and international) to understand and monitor the changing nature of Seychelles’ legal environment.   

In addition to providing a portal for case law and legislation, SEYLII aims to increase public awareness of the operations of the domestic courts and the broader legal profession, thereby improving access to the courts and strengthening public confidence in the administration of justice.

Shan Human Rights Foundation


The Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which was founded on 6 December 1990 by its late founding Chairman, Khun Kya Oo.

Our Aims:

  • To strive for human rights and restore justice to the victims;
  • To promote democracy in accordance with the desire and will of the people, and establish a popular government based on democratic principles;
  • To strive for unity, equality and cooperation;
  • To strive for world peace, freedom and prosperity.

Our Activities:

  • SHRF monitors the human rights situation in Shan State, focusing on remote conflict-affected areas.  SHRF documents human rights violations, producing updates and reports which are sent to relevant organizations and the media, inside Burma and internationally.   
  • SHRF also carries out research and periodically publishes detailed reports on specific issues related to human rights in Shan State.

Shared Assets

Shared Assets is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with the aim of developing and promoting new models of common good land use. Since we launched in 2012 we have rapidly developed a growing reputation as experts in this pioneering field.