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27 Enero 2022
Deforestation in Argentina, photo by Benjamin Pender (CC)
Deforestation in Argentina, photo by Benjamin Pender (CC)

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In a warming world, deforestation turns the heat deadly, Borneo study finds

25 Noviembre 2021
  • New research identifies how rising localized temperatures driven by deforestation and global warming are increasing heat-related deaths and creating unsafe working conditions in Indonesia.
  • In the Bornean district of Berau, 4,375 square kilometers (1,689 square miles) of forest were cleared between 2002 and 2018, contributing to a 0.95°C (1.71°F) increase in mean daily temperature across the district, according to the study.
  • It concluded climate change temperature increases in the region caused an 8% rise in mortality rates in 2018, or more

Deforestation by Design in Papua

17 Noviembre 2021

President Joko Widodo claimed that deforestation in Indonesia is at its lowest point in the past 20 years. Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution emissions reduction report to the United Nations said that there were only 39,285 hectares of deforested areas in 2013 to 2020. A Tempo investigation in Papua found otherwise: The area of deforestation from 2019 to 2020 alone covered 19,807 hectares. Timber companies have violated some regulations about forest conservation management and have illegally produced wood.


Major clothing brands contribute to deforestation in Cambodia, report finds

03 Diciembre 2021
  • A new report suggests that the garment industry is contributing to deforestation in Cambodia due to factories relying on illegal forest wood to generate electricity.
  • Garment factories were found to use at least 562 tons of forest wood every day, the equivalent of up to 1,418 hectares (3,504 acres) of forest being burned each year, according to the report.
  • Between 2001 and 2019, Cambodia is reported to have lost an estimated 2.7 million hectares (6.7 million acres) of forest through deforestation.

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