Regulation on the implementation of the Law on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization. | Land Portal

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Date of publication: 
Diciembre 2005
ISBN / Resource ID: 
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The objective of this Regulation is to define procedures and principles regarding the implementation of the Law on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization. A nine-member Land Preservation Board shall be established in each province, chaired by the Governor. Its main tasks include, inter alia, the research, assessment and monitoring of all activities involving land utilization; and, the implementation and conformity of national, regional or local level plans. Procedural details are provided in the Regulation. Soil and land classifications, surveys, analysis and assessments will be made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Land utilization plans shall be organized and prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs or by provincial governors in coordination with the Ministry. Agricultural lands and their utilization are specified by taking into consideration the following: soil depth; physical, chemical and biological properties; its elevation and location; climatic conditions and intended agricultural activity. Details are given in the Regulation.

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