European Commission | Land Portal

European Commission Resources

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Library Resource
Ajenda ya Urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi Nchini Kenya
Informes e investigaciones
Febrero, 2019

Webinaa kuhusu Urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi Nchini Kenya ilifanyika tarehe 10 Oktoba, 2018. Webinaa ilipitia mchakato wa urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi nchini Kenya na ikashughulikia changamoto anuwai. Lengo lilikuwa  kubaini hatua za kufuata zitakazoleta usawa na haki katika urekebishaji wa sera ya ardhi.
Webinaa ilishughulikia maswali yafuatayo: 
Tumefika wapi katika mchakato wa urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi?
Changamoto kuu zinazohitaji kushughulikiwa katika mfumo wa urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi na matumizi ya ardhi ni zipi?

Library Resource

Proposal for continental and regional level cooperation on agricultural development in Africa

Informes e investigaciones
Enero, 2007

This paper makes proposals for EU-AU cooperation in support of agricultural development in Africa, focusing on initiatives at regional and continental levels. Cooperation at these levels is meant to both complement and stimulate agricultural development at the national level, the level where most investments take place and where the most intense cooperation will remain relevant.

Library Resource

EU land policy guidelines; guidelines for support to land policy design and land policy reform processes in developing countries

Manual y guías
Noviembre, 2004

In recent years, issues of access to land and natural resources have been of growing concern to developing country governments and donors. Much evolution in experience and thinking has taken place over this period, with several multilateral and bilateral donors drawing up new policy papers on land.

Library Resource
Manual y guías
Noviembre, 2004

EU land policies gudelines


Geographical focus: 


To develop and strengthen national policy and institutional capacity for sustainable land management (SLM) and to contribute to achieving the national land degradation neutrality target with integrated landscape management in north-western mountainous ecosystems of North Macedonia


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

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