BRIDGE is a research and information programme located within IDS Knowledge Services. We are part of a global movement whose vision is a world where gender equality, dignity and social justice prevail, where poverty is eliminated and where human rights – including women’s rights - are realised. We believe that we play an important role in realising this vision by generating and sharing diverse, accessible gender information, and by stimulating collaborative, groundbreaking thinking on key issues related to gender and development. We also support the exchange of experience and ideas of how to put this thinking into practice in ways that will make a difference.
Our approach BRIDGE acts as a catalyst by facilitating the generation and exchange of relevant, accessible and diverse gender information in print, online and through other innovative forms of communication. This supports the needs of policymakers, practitioners, advocates and researchers in bridging the gaps between gender theory, policy and practice to make gender equality happen. BRIDGE targets both gender and non-gender specialists in an effort to ensure gender is central to all development thinking and practice, and to inspire transformation in attitudes, policies and legislation.
We do this by: Producing BRIDGE resources such as Cutting Edge Packs and In Briefs on relevant, timely gender and development issues through collaborative processes Taking a nuanced approach that focuses on transforming gender relations, and challenging gender stereotypes rather than only being about women and development Facilitating information sharing, partnerships and networking, and reflecting perspectives from non English-speaking contributors Setting and influencing gender and development agendas by creating platforms for discussion, debate and new ideas Supporting the specific information needs of development practitioners and policy-makers with a gender mainstreaming remit.
Displaying 16 - 20 of 78BRIDGE Bibliography 19: Putting gender back in the picture: rethinking women's economic empowerment - overview and annotated bibliography
Current momentum around women's economic empowerment offers huge scope for bringing about real changes in women's lives. But earning an income or having access to credit cannot be assumed to bring automatic benefits for women. We need to ask critical questions about how increased access to resources can be translated into changes in the strategic choices that women are able to make - at the level of the household and community, as well as at work. What of the terms on which women gain access to resources - are these empowering or exploitative?
Gender and Economic Empowerment in Africa, 8th Meeting of the Africa Partnership Forum, Berlin, Germany, 22-23 May 2007
There are multiple obstacles to the economic empowerment of women in Africa. For example, limited access to productive resources such as land, seed and fertiliser means that women may be unable to benefit from the expansion of trade in agricultural products. In fact, it has been calculated that agricultural productivity could increase by up to 20 percent if women's access to these resources were equal to men's.
Gender Justice in Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper presents an overview of key issues in the literature on gender justice in the sub-Saharan Africa region. Issues discussed include the exclusion of women from full citizenship status; gender inequalities in property relations, family relations and access to justice; and disregard for women's and men's sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Land policy reform: the role of land markets and women's land rights in Malawi
Malawi is facing increasing land scarcity and food insecurity for its large rural population and is in the midst of an on-going land policy reform process. This report asks how these reforms may affect women's land rights in a situation of increasing scarcity and competition for land. Reforms include the formalisation of customary land rights as private land rights as a way to ensure tenure security and equitable access to land. It warns that through this approach, women's rights may become increasingly marginalised.
Landless women, hopeless women? Gender, land and decentralisation in Niger
This study aims to identify how women's capacity to become more involved in decision-making at the local level can be strengthened, particularly in terms of access to natural resources. It also aims to identify the structures through which women secure their systems of production. It focuses on the situation in Niger, where women are increasingly excluded from dominant systems of production: in agricultural areas, they are increasingly excluded from agricultural production and in pastoralist areas, they have lost their herds and had to resort to agriculture.