Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University
University or Research Institution
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- We create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge through research, teaching, and outreach.
- We apply knowledge to help individuals lead more productive lives, and to assist in the development and improvement of firms, organizations, communities, and public institutions.
- We seek to contribute to Michigan, the nation, and the world. We emphasize applied and disciplinary contributions especially to the economic and managerial effectiveness of firms in the food and agricultural sector, and to the sustainability of agricultural production, environmental resources, and rural communities.
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Displaying 21 - 25 of 29Measuring sustainable intensification in smallholder agroecosystems: A review
Reports & Research
Marzo, 2015
In the sustainable intensification (SI) of smallholder agroecosystems, researchers and farmers collaborate to produce more food on land currently in cultivation, secure wellbeing in the present day, and bolster ecosystem services to sustain agricultural productivity into the future. In recent years there has been debate in the SI literature about the meaning and boundaries SI, accompanied by calls for clearly defined metrics to evaluate SI efforts. In this review, we present the current state of the literature in regards to SI metrics.
Below and aboveground pigeonpea productivity in a novel doubled-up legume cropping system across three agro-ecologies in central Malawi
Marzo, 2015
África austral
Below and aboveground pigeonpea productivity in a novel doubled-up legume cropping system across three agro-ecologies in central Malawi
Marzo, 2015
África austral