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Community Organizations Government of Yukon (Canada)
Government of Yukon (Canada)
Government of Yukon (Canada)
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Government of Yukon (Canada)



Displaying 1 - 5 of 34

National Aboriginal Day Act (S.Y. 2017, c. 1).

Diciembre, 2016

Considering that the Constitution of Canada recognizes the existing rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada since they have a long and rich history in Yukon and have made, and continue to make, important contributions to Yukon, it is considered appropriate that there be a day to mark and celebrate these contributions and to recognize the different cultures of the Aboriginal Peoples of Yukon and Canada. In particular, the 21 June of each year shall be known as “National Aboriginal Day” and shall be observed as a holiday. The text consists of 3 sections.

Land Titles Plans Regulations (Y.O.I.C. 2016/109).

Diciembre, 2015

The present Regulation is made under the Land Titles Act, 2015. In particular, the Regulation provides for the correct and efficient enforcement of the aforementioned Act. Section 2 establishes that the present Regulation applies in respect of the following plans: a) an air space plan; b) a condominium plan; c) an explanatory plan; d) a plan of subdivision; e) a sketch; f) a compiled plan; and g) any other plan of survey.

Environmental Assessment Act (S.Y. 2003, c. 2).

América Septentrional

This Act concern environmental assessment as a means to integrating environmental factors into planning and decision making processes in order to promote sustainable development. The Act contains provisions on the projects requiring environmental assessment (sect. 4), on the environmental assessment process (sect. 10), on decisions and appeals against decisions and on dispute settlement. Under section 49, the Yukon Environmental Assessment Branch is established and its organization, powers and duties are set in the following sections.

Land Titles General Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2016/108).

América Septentrional

The present Regulation is made under the Land Titles Act, 2015. In particular, the Regulation provides for the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Act. Section 2 establishes that the whole of Yukon is constituted as one registration district to be known as the «Yukon Land Registration District». The text consisting of 7 sections deals, inter alia, with the following aspects: Land Titles Office, Review of deputy registrar’s decision, review by judge under the Act, enduring power of attorney, commissioner’s approval, disposal of records, establishment of standards.

Designation of Public Bodies Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2009/240).

América Septentrional

The present Regulation is made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the designation of public bodies. The text consists of 2 sections and 1 Schedule listing public bodies.

Implements: Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (R.S.Y. 2002, c. 1). (2016)