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Community Organizations Land Journal
Land Journal
Land Journal


Land (ISSN 2073-445X) is an international, scholarly, open access journal of land use and land management published quarterly online by MDPI. 



Displaying 1456 - 1460 of 2258

Land Use Impacts on Particulate Matter Levels in Seoul, South Korea: Comparing High and Low Seasons

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo, 2020
Republic of Korea

Seoul, a city in South Korea, experiences high particulate matter (PM) levels well above the recommended standards suggested by the World Health Organization. As concerns about public health and everyday lives are being raised, this study investigates the effects of land use on PM levels in Seoul. Specifically, it attempts to identify which land use types increase or decrease PM10 and PM2.5 levels and compare the effects between high and low seasons using two sets of land use classifications: one coarser and the other finer.

Spatial Orientation Skill for Landscape Architecture Education and Professional Practice

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo, 2020

Professional landscape architecture organizations have requested training from educational institutions based on new skills and methodologies in the curriculum development of students. Landscape architects need to visualize and evaluate the spatial relationships between the different components of the landscape using two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) maps and geospatial information, for which spatial orientation skills are necessary.

Old Ways, New Ways—Scaling Up from Customary Use of Plant Products to Commercial Harvest Taking a Multifunctional, Landscape Approach

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo, 2020

Globally, the agricultural sector is facing many challenges in response to climate change, unsustainable farming practices and human population growth. Despite advances in technology and innovation in agriculture, governments around the world are recognizing a need for transformative agricultural systems that offer solutions to the interrelated issues of food security, climate change, and conservation of environmental and cultural values. Approaches to production are needed that are holistic and multisectoral.

Effect of Herbage Density, Height and Age on Nutrient and Invertebrate Generalist Predator Abundance in Permanent and Temporary Pastures

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo, 2020

The aim of this research was to assess differences in the quantity and quality of herbage and invertebrate generalist predator abundance among permanent and temporary pastures. Two permanent pastures and four temporary ley pastures (either one year or two years since being sown) were monitored weekly for 10 weeks in the spring. Permanent pastures included a diverse range of native UK grass species, and temporary ley pastures were predominantly perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) with or without white clover (Trifolium repens).

Landslide Mapping and Susceptibility Assessment Using Geospatial Analysis and Earth Observation Data

Peer-reviewed publication
Mayo, 2020

The western part of Crete Island has undergone serious landslide events in the past. The intense rainfalls that took place in the September 2018 to February 2019 period provoked extensive landslide events at the northern part of Chania prefecture, along the motorway A90. Geospatial analysis methods and earth observation data were utilized to investigate the impact of the various physical and anthropogenic factors on landslides and to evaluate landslide susceptibility. The landslide inventory map was created based on literature, aerial photo analysis, satellite images, and field surveys.