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Community Organizations Millennium Challenge Account - Namibia
Millennium Challenge Account - Namibia
Millennium Challenge Account - Namibia
Governmental institution
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1099 14th Street NW, Suite 700
United States
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The Namibian Compact aims to increase the competence of the Namibian workforce through knowledge and skills, as well as to increase the productivity of agricultural and nonagricultural enterprises in rural areas.



Displaying 26 - 30 of 44

USAID Keo Seima Conservation Project (former: Eastern Plains Landscape)


(Cambodia): Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary (KSWS) is a biologically and culturally rich protected area on a deforestation frontier, and a habitat of globally significant populations of endangered primates and elephants. KSWS is also the traditional home of the Bunong indigenous group. In the past ten years, KSWS's rich and diverse forests have experienced rapid population growth facilitated by road improvement and incentivized by the spread of agro-industrial concessions which strains natural resources. The activity will improve the transparency and effectiveness of law enforcement to protect forests and biodiversity using Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool technology; monitor wildlife populations and forest cover to ensure evidence-based management decisions; increase economic opportunities for indigenous and marginalized people by increasing market linkages, and equitable benefit sharing from sustainable financing such as carbon stock sales; empower indigenous communities and marginalized people to gain secure land tenure and rights to forest resources; and, create a communications strategy to influence decision-making for sustainable use and management of natural resources. The activity supports Administration priorities to align with U.S. National Security objectives by increasing the transparency and effectiveness of law enforcement to combat wildlife trafficking, poaching and illegal timber exports. Further, the activity contributes to Mission Objective 4.2 (CDCS DO3) - Strengthen sustainable and resilient pathways out of poverty. The activity was awarded through a sole source mechanism to an implementing partner with unique qualifications to carry out the work, in accordance with federal procurement regulations. ....

Conflict Mitigation Project


The goal of the Conflict Mitigation Project is to reduce social conflict and violence and increase social cohesion in Guatemala's Western Highlands region. Using a community-based development approach, the project will work to empower traditionally marginalized sectors to engage in dialogue and develop strategies for sustained peace. Leveraging a network of community facilitators, community members will identify conflicts and develop corresponding action plans. An example of an action plan activity would include training community members in mediation to address water access disputes in a community. The action plans will be funded through small grants and supported by partnerships with government and civil society, including the private sector. The project will focus on specific categories of social conflict, including youth and family, governance, land rights, and natural resource exploitation. By building partnerships between communities and governing institutions-such as the Coordinating Presidential Commission for Executive Policy on Human Rights and the Presidential Commission for Dialogue-and increasing these institutions' response capacity, the project will increase confidence in state institutions' ability to prevent violent conflict. Activities aim to reduce community-level social conflict and violence and increase social cohesion in the Western Highlands, thus reducing the flow of irregular migration to the United States.

Land Management Activity


(Liberia): .USAID's new Land Management Activity will support increased land tenure security and customary land management in Liberia. The activity will help communities secure their communal land tenure rights, rights that are provided for by the 2018 Liberian Land Rights Act (LRA). The activity will be rooted in the six-step process outlined by the LRA to manage and secure communal lands...Using FY 2021 funds, USAID will assist local communities to register and manage their customary land efficiently. As part of this process, the activity will also explore land use planning; linkages with the private sector and other USAID natural resource management activities; and potential support for the development of livelihoods approaches. The Land Management Activity will demonstrate the economic value of inclusive communal land decision-making bodies. The activity will prioritize the empowerment of women, youth, and marginalized populations, in addition to conflict sensitivity. $2.2 million of funding within this IM contributes to meeting the required DRG earmark. An additional $500,000 allocated to this IM contributes to meeting the required food security and agriculture development earmark....

Resilience in Pastoral Areas- South


(Ethiopia): The Resilience in Pastoral Areas - South (RiPA-South) activity will improve resilience capacities of households, communities, and local governance institutions in 16 woredas in the Oromia, SNNPR, and Somali Regions, increasing food security for more than 107,533 households. With FY2021 funds, RiPA South will finalize woreda level Disaster Risk Management (DRM) assessments, crop and livestock market studies, mapping of saving and credit groups, and human-centered design assessments to initiate strategic interventions to safeguard livelihoods and reduce the impact of shocks on vulnerable Ethiopians. The climate adaptation in the lowlands focuses on drought prevention through improved and locally led rangeland management. There are market based solutions to drought mitigation, but the land management is specifically intended to improve the natural resource base and to allow adaptation to climate variability. For floods, the market based solutions include work with the private sector to dredge water ways to reduce overflow. Activities focused on household resilience are primarily around information on nutrition and hygiene, access to finance, and market linkages. The RiPAs also provide technical assistance to financial institutions to improve the capacity of the sector. Also at the household asset-building level, the RiPAs are developing private sector actors in veterinary care. .FY2021 funds will finalize barrier analysis to identify key determinant behaviors that affect nutritional and hygiene behaviors and develop context-specific social and behavior change communication strategy. These efforts directly support Ethiopia's Integrated Country Strategy Mission Goal 3: Spur Broad-based Economic Growth, Mission Objective 3.1: Increase Economic Growth with Resiliency in Rural Ethiopia, Mission Goal 4: Advance Regional Peace, and Security Mission Objective 4.1: Ethiopia Builds Capacity to Address Humanitarian Crises..... .