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The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich is a unique multi-disciplinary centre of excellence. We have an established reputation for delivering high quality research, advice, teaching and training in support of global food security, sustainable development and poverty reduction.
Displaying 16 - 19 of 19Land in Africa – Market Asset or Secure Livelihood? Proceedings and summary of conclusions from the Land in Africa Conference held in London, November 8-9, 2004
Contains editors’ introduction, papers on Africa, Rwanda, Senegal, findings of 5 working groups, summary of conclusions.
Securing Customary Land Tenure in Africa: Alternative Approaches to the Local Recording and Registration of Land Rights: Report of a workshop held at IIED
Introduction and background, by Julian Quan (DFID); Piloting local administration of records in Ekuthuleni, KwaZulu-Natal, by Donna Hornby (AFRA, South Africa); Ivory Coast’s Plan Foncier Rural: lessons from a pilot project to register customary rights, by Camilla Toulmin (IIED); Customary land identification and recording in Mozambique, by Chris Tanner; Supporting local rights: will the centre let go?
Box on the Evolution of the World Bank’s Land Policy
Examines the evolution of the World Bank’s land policy since its 1975 Land Policy Reform Paper. Shows how the Bank has moved away from its earlier views on titling.
The Poverty Impacts of Land Titling in Kenya
Examines evolution of land tenure reform in Kenya since Swynnerton Plan of 1954 with particular emphasis on the poverty impacts of titling. Concludes that land titling risks a negative impact on the poor.