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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1511 - 1515 of 2117

Green Art Center/I Think Green


-NGO Green Art Center is a local NGO established to contribute to sustainable development aims to increase citizens? awareness about the needs of the society improve living standards and living environment. Webpage The organisation has gathered highly motivated proffesionals around with a common interets on environmental issues.-Kosovo is facing very serious environmental challenges in a broader sense and in particular concerning waste and land management. The situation is rather dif ficult in urban areas due to changed demographics and the pressure of migration from rural areas. This is reflected in unplanned construction a poorly managed urban environment and inefficient public services such as waste collection waste and wastewater treatment. Pollution from power plants and mining activities are adding to already difficult situation and pose serious threat to the health of citizens. -NGO GAC will train teaching staff and students on importance of 3R ? REDUCTION ? REUSE ? RECYCLING process in 10 elementary scools in Pristina. As the second result will be the creation of a common system in division and managing of waste in school premises. The other component of the project is establishing of young volunteers associatin ?Green Club Pr ishtina? on increasing the participation of active citizenship and identification of needs. During one year implementation of the project there will be outdoor activities organized with the aim to empower active citizenship in process of Environment protec tion.-One of the major expected results of the project is the increasing of capacities of 10953 students and 519 teachers in 10 elementary schools. These are the main beneficiaries of the project as well.GAC will implement the project in partnership with I nstitute for Sustainability and Development of Youth ? ISDY Kosovo.Project Overall Objective: Strengthening positive attitudes of community towards environmental protection Project Specific Objectives: a) Increased participation of young people and socie ty in environmental activities b) Strengthening of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection c) Creation of an implementational model for the initiation and implementation of a program to reduce re-use and recycling in in the 10 element ary schools in Pristina, d) Awareness of students teachers and society on the importance of process-reuse-recycle reducion,

F.a: Expanding women?s food sovereignty through agroecology in the province of Nampula


The project will 1) organise a project start-up workshop to refine working methods and content, 2) identify 4 new women's associations as beneficiaries, 3) establish agroecological cultivation and composting model plots for teaching and exchange of experie nces in new project villages, 4) produce guides on agroecology and village saving and loan group functioning for the use of local technicians and female peasant leaders, 5) influence decision-makers by publishing articles and press releases on agroecology, food sovereignty and nutrition, 6) train 16 female champions in nutrition education, food hygiene and waste management, 7) organise intensive training for 16 female peasants for them to become champions of agroecology, 8) monitor the model plots, 9) organ ise exchanges of experience to share best practices in agroecology, 10) organise cooking demonstrations in which local crops are made use of, 11) organise nutrition fares, 12) train peasants in seed selection and reproduction, 13) encourage peasants' assoc iations to set up seed banks, 14) participate in the International Women?s Conference in Maputo to defend peasants? rights and food sovereignty, 15) carry out advocacy meetings with the decision-makers in Ribaue and Malema in regard to prioritizing agroeco logy and defending peasants? rights and 16) support the formal registration process of FOMMUR. The inhabitants of the project area suffer from malnutrition and the prevailing agricultural policy promotes both nutritionally and environmentally unsustainabl e practices. As a result of the project, women farmers are expected to maintain a dialogue with local decision-makers. Through this, they ensure that agroecology is taken into account in local agricultural production plans and defend their land rights. The y are expected to increase the productivity of their farming through agroecological methods. The women?s knowledge, skills and attitudes on ideal nutrition, food hygiene and waste management develop. The direct beneficiary group of the project consists of 300 small-scale female peasants, who are organised in eight farmers' associations in Malema and Ribaue districts in Nampula Province, Mozambique. The project is implemented by the Forum Mocambicano das Mulheres Rurais (FOMMUR) and the environmental organis ation LIVANINGO (

Intergrated Watershed approaches for climate resilience in agro-pastoral landscapes


UNIDO and UNDP received a joint Letter of Endorsement, dated 27 February 2019, endorsing the proposal of Government of South Sudan on the formulation and execution support to the project #Integrated Watershed approaches for climate resilience in agro-pastoral landscapes#. The project aims to address a range of environmental, land degradation and social economic challenges in the targeted agro pastoral landscape areas and associated value chains. The project objective is to promote climate resilience and adaptation capacity building amongst agricultural and pastoral communities of South Sudan and addresses the LDCF/GEF strategy objective and outcome indicator on technologies and innovative solutions are adapted and deployed to enhance resilience. The envisaged global environmental benefits include 75Hactares of landscapes under improved practices mostly to be achieved with interventions under UNDP coordination. It is also expected that a total number of 10,000 direct and indirectly targeted beneficiaries (60%F and 40%M) will be reached primarily through joint UNIDO and UNDP contributions. UNIDO interventions will focus on the promotion of small scale agribusinesses, and triggering scaled community centre investments in improved agro and food processing and preservation technology and working facilities. Small

OECD-GreenGrowth Policy Review Indonesia


OECD-Green Growth Policy Review of Indonesia will address key issues for green growth including taxation, energy, forestry, agriculture and land use planning. Green growth indicators would be at the core of the analysis. The review would also pay special attention to the social and equity concerns linked to the green transition and ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are used in the review.