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Sustainable use of soil as the main resource

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2013

Research on the sustainable use of the soil as the main agricultural resource employing different field crop rotations and tillage systems was started in 2009. The influence of new technologies on sustainable output of agricultural raw materials used for safe and good quality food and feed production was studied at the Latvia University of Agriculture, Study and Research Farm “Peterlauki” where long-term field experimental plots were established specially for this purpose. Complex investigation of the soils at the experimental plots was performed.

Importance of the granulometric composition groups in carbon accumulation in mineral topsoil within LUCAS 2009 project

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2017

Soil samples in 349  sampling plots were obtained within the LUCAS project in 2009; from these, 205 soil samples were collected in agricultural lands (grasslands, arable lands, grasslands overgrown by trees and shrubs), and 133 soil samples were obtained in forests (deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests), as well as 7 soil samples–in scrublands.

Importance of area payments for the agricultural land use

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2013

In the recent years the issue of optimal size of the utilised agricultural area and its accessibility in particular regions has gained increased importance. Total area, types and conditions of the utilised agricultural area are essential to shaping and implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. This research comprises investigation of the single area payment and the area payments done in scope of the Rural Development Programme for the time frame of 2007 – 2011.

The possibilities of grain production in Latvia and economic conditions to reach them

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2011

In this research the potential of grain production increase in Latvia is analysed. The land use analysis show that even in some nearest years it is possible to increase grain production by 400-500 thousand tons compared by 2010 level, but in 10 years period – by 1 million tons or more. This is due to increase both areas and yield. It is assessed during of the research that price above 90 Lats/t for wheat and above 80 Lats/t for barley, rye and oats stimulates grain production. Also some additional state regulation measures are recommended in the research.

Proposals for classification and determination of degraded land

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2017

Degraded territory is land which has been damaged by either industrial and other activities or no activities at all to the stage where any economic activity is impossible unless special renewable measures are implemented. One of the aims of sustainable environment resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September, 2015 was ‘to restore degraded land and to aim to achieve having a world neutral to land degradation’. This is the first worldwide document where universal and comprehensive actions regarding land degradation are provided.

The influence of edge effects on vegetation in black alder forests in Zemgale [Latvia]. Summary of the doctoral thesis for the scientific degree of Dr.silv.

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2017

The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of edge effect on vegetation succession in black alder forests. 30 permanent study plots with size of 20×50 m were established with strips at several distances from the edge towards the center of the stand. Stands in study plots fell into three categories – with adjacent clearcut to S or SW created up to 10, 20-40 or more than 41 year ago. In all study plots living trees and dead wood was measured and vegetation was described by layers and the presence of rare epiphytic lichens was recorded.

The growth of birch (Betula pendula Roth.) plantations on the abandoned agricultural lands

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2006

The results of birth growth investigation in the 9 year old plantation on the abandoned podzolic soils of agriculture lands are assumed. The planting density was 1100; 1600; 2500; 5000 and 1000 plants per hectare. The average heights have reached 5.31 and 5.36 m, but average DBH 5.38 and 5.36 cm in the plots with 10 000 and 5000 trees per hectare accordingly. The average height has reached 6.47; 6.65 and 6.73 m but average DBH 7.17; 6.67 and 7.38 cm in the plots with 2500; 1000 and 111 trees per hectare accordingly.

Methodological approach in conflict assessment and mitigation caused by game animals in Latvia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2010

Attempts to estimate the allowable maximum population density is well known in the history of game management in Latvia. Relatively permanent environmental features (e. g. landscape and forest structure) have been used for the assessment of carrying capacity of hunting grounds. Amount of the available winter feed was considered as a limiting factor for major game species in each landscape unit and forest type. While focusing on the actual abundance of feed, many other factors, including mutual interaction among species and populations, were overlooked.

Probability of implementation of administrative-territorial reform before local government election in 2009: situation in Jelgava district

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2008

In the administrative territories with small number of population, deficiency of infrastructure and resources for municipalities’ function can be observed. According to this, already in the 90ties, reform of local governments was initiated in Latvia. The cabinet, basing on principles of local governments in European Charter (1985), accepted conception of the reform. The Law 'On Administrative-Territorial Division Project of local governments' was carried in 2006 but rules on administrative division of local governments were issued in 2008.