| Land Portal
Il y a 128 éléments de contenu liés à occupation illégale sur le Land Portal.

occupation illégale

Occupation illégale, utilisation d'un lieu ou installation en un endroit, sans y avoir droit.

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Documents de politique et mémoires
mai 2023

Iraq is one of the easternmost countries of the Arab Region. It is bordered to the north by Turkey, to the east by Iran, to the west by Syria and Jordan, and to the south by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

janvier 2022

Effectiveness Of Public Institutions In Addressing Illegal Acquisition Of State Land In Zambia: Case Of Ministry Of Lands And Kitwe Municipality

janvier 2022

Like in a number of other developing countries, the issue of illegal occupation of land is evident in Zambia’s cities. This problem has continued to exist, despite the existence of laws and public institutions meant to address the issue.

Rapports et recherches
décembre 2021
Amérique du Sud

No último boletim SIRAD I de 2021, apresentamos os resultados do mape amento de desmatamento detectados durante este período dentro dos territórios dos povos isolados. O ritmo de desmatamento descreceu em 15 % em relação ao ano passado, entretanto não temos motivos parar comemorar, pois as causas/motores que incentivam a invasão ilegal dessas terras continua forte.

Rolling back social and environmental safeguards in the name of COVID-19
Rapports et recherches
mars 2021

The webinar Rolling back social and environmental safeguards in the name of COVID-19, organized by Forest Peoples Programme, the Tenure FacilityMiddlesex University, the Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic and the Land Portal Foundation, took place on Thursday, February 18, 2021.

Articles et Livres
février 2021

According to the current land policy of Ethiopia, rural households are legally allowed to access agricultural lands. Nonetheless, the difficulty of rural population in accessing farmlands makes controversial authenticity of this land tenure to solve problems of household farmland access.

Articles et Livres
novembre 2018

About 3.5 billion people live in countries rich in oil, gas or minerals. With good governance and transparent management, the revenues from extractive sector can have positive impacts leading to poverty reduction hence boosting shared prosperity , while respecting both the needs of the community and the environment.

Rapports et recherches
avril 2017

The Land Corruption Risk Mapping Instrument is designed to raise awareness and understand how to detect corruption in land governance issues. The instrument is developed in a way that it can be applied in any Sub-Saharan African country. It is published as a handbook that gives explanations, guidance and examples.

Articles et Livres
janvier 2017
Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Amérique du Sud
O quadro legal e institucional, construído historicamente, que regulamenta a propriedade e a posse da terra no Brasil tem sido responsável por vários tipos de problemas fundiários no país que vão desde os conflitos de terras rurais, a ausência de moradias urbanas, as ocupações de terras rurais e urbanas (por alguns, chamadas de invasões), o desmatamento das florestas tropicais, a gr
Articles et Livres
septembre 2016

Indigenous Peoples and local communities hold a large share of the world’s land area under customary systems. However, there is a tremendous gap between what is held by communities in practice and what is formally recognised by governments.

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