| Land Portal
Il y a 1,848 éléments de contenu liés à urbanisation sur le Land Portal.
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janvier 2024

A wealth of publicly available satellite data and open-source models allowed researchers to measure carbon stocks in a watershed in India, despite a paucity of on-the-ground data. They found that despite rapid urbanization over the last 20 years, carbon stocks remained relatively stable – possibly due to successful reforestation activities.

janvier 2024

We analyze rural households’ purchases of food (cereals and non-cereals) in Sub-Saharan Africa using nationally representative data with 65,000 observations covering 7 countries over a decade. We distinguish between three strata of countries: lower stratum in income and urbanization, middle stratum, and upper stratum. The paper breaks ground by the breadth and time length of the sample.

Articles et Livres
octobre 2023

This article engages in a comprehensive examination of the intricate dynamics surrounding urban sprawl and land utilization within the peri-urban regions of significant Algerian municipalities, with a specific focus on the city of Oran. 

Rapports et recherches
juillet 2023

La Revue annuelle de l’efficacité du développement (ADER) sert de point de référence pour évaluer les progrès réalisés par le Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement dans sa contribution au développement de l’Afrique.

Manuels et directives
avril 2023
Afrique sub-saharienne

Urban planners are entrusted with the power to make critically important, long-term decisions that determine the future development of cities and towns around the world. The decisions they take shape the urban environment and directly affect the lives and livelihoods of entire communities.

janvier 2023

Flood risks are a major concern in Nigeria, due to their consequences on human life and socioeconomic activities of the people. Floods are induced by high rainfall intensity resulting from climate change.

janvier 2023

Agricultural development in Malawi faces an important conundrum. While agriculture is the backbone of the economy, many smallholders will not be able to farm their way out of poverty. Shrinking farmland size severely limits the total income that can be earned from farming, even at much higher levels of productivity per area farmed than are now achieved.

janvier 2023

Context and backgroundUnsustainable land management practices result in land degradation that threatens the environment and stifles livelihoods.

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