| Land Portal
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Rapports et recherches
mai 1999

Based on a survey of 48 communities in central Honduras, this paper identifies the major pathways of development that have been occurring in central Honduras since the mid-1970s, their causes and implications for agricultural productivity, natural resource sustainability, and poverty.

Rapports et recherches
décembre 1998

In deze studie staan twee beleidsvragen centraal. De eerste is in welke gebieden in Nederland er behoefte is aan een grotere bijdrage van de landbouw aan een aantrekkelijke leefomgeving of beheer van strategische voorraden.

Rapports et recherches
mai 1995

Proyecto Aplicación de Instrumentos de Política Económica para la Gestión Ambiental y el Desarrollo Sustentable en Países Seleccionados de América Latina y el Caribe

Resource Assessment and Land Use Planning: A Case Study
Rapports et recherches
décembre 1993
Sri Lanka


This review does not attempt to be comprehensive. Instead, we highlight:

  • benchmarks in the evolution of land use policies in Sri Lanka;

Législation et politiques
décembre 1992

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

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