Getaneh Gobezie | Land Portal


Professional experience of more than two decades in rural (participatory) development planning and implementation, focus on micro and small enterprise (MSE), financing value chains, including renewable energy, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) saving promotion, gender, economic empowerment, alleviation of poverty and food in-security. Trained as an economist (M.Sc in Economic Policy Analysis, 1999, thesis on Rural Poverty), has been involved in programme evaluation, market research, impact assessment, strategic planning; as well as capacity building, training and consultancy, mainly in African countries -- with SNV, Oxfam-Novib, IFAD, FAO, SIDA, DAI, DfID, World Savings Bank Institute, etc. Skills in quantitative and qualitative data collection, surveys, focus group discussions, PRA techniques. Relevant journal publications. Mail -- .. OR ...

Interests: Women Economic Empowerment

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