Paola Brambilla | Land Portal


Paola holds a gender and development MA from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in the UK. Since 1994 she has worked on gender issues for a range of organisations, academic institutions, (I)NGOs and CSOs. She has extensive experience of communications, knowledge management and networking and of building partnerships for social development and gender justice. Paola speaks English, French, Spanish and Italian fluently and has a basic knowledge of Portuguese. She has worked on several Open Knowledge and knowledge management projects in partnership with organisations in the Global South. She is currently working with Sula Batsu Cooperativa, a cooperative based in Costa Rica.

She has lived in Ecuador, South America, where she worked in a rural women’s grass-root organisation and gender equity networks. She has a keen interest to include the perspectives of non-English development thinkers and practitioners in the development debates occurring in the Anglophone world.



Sulá Batsú nació en el 2005 como una empresa de economía social solidaria con el objetivo de fortalecer organizaciones, comunidades y empresas sociales de la región latinoamericana. Esta iniciativa se creó bajo un modelo de cooperativa autogestionaria, con la visión de explorar nuevas formas de gestión de emprendimientos asociativos interesados en la acción social.

United Kingdom

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