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IWGIA Urgent Alert

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2009

IWGIA has recently been informed by local partners in Tanzania that a government operation aimed at forcefully removing pastoralists from the Kilosa district in the Morogoro Region in southern Tanzania started on the 29.1.2009. The Tanzanian government wants to remove all pastoralists from Kilosa district and, according to some sources, the whole of Morogoro Region, and force them to other areas of Tanzania. Such areas have though, according to IWGIA local partners as yet not been specified, and the affected families do not know where to go to.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Land in Mali

Reports & Research
januari, 2009

This study by GTZ on behalf of BMZ about FDI in land has identified numerous problems that the Malian Government needs to tackle. Since 2007 foreign direct investments (FDI) in land have dramatically increased. Situated in West Africa, the Republic of Mali
covers an area of 1,241,238 km2. Of this in 2002, 35.2 % was designated arable land and 11.6 % was cultivated land. To date, FDI covers 130,105 ha of land. The study formulates recommendations to ensure that local communities derive the best possible benefits from FDI.

Book 'Gender and Agrarian Reforms' highlights the gendered impacts of global agrarian reform

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2009

Through case studies from Asia, Africa, eastern Europe and Latin America, this book by Manchester Metropolitan University’s Susie Jacobs presents an overview of global gender and agrarian reform experiences.  Recognising the widespread marginalisation of gender issues from policy and theoretical discussions of agrarian reform,  Jacobs attempts to highlight the profound implications that redistribution of land has for women and for gender relations.  The book compares land and agrarian reforms in which land has been redistributed collectively and to individual households.

Agricultural Development in Uzbekistan: The Effect of Ongoing Reforms

Reports & Research
november, 2008

Agricultural transition in Uzbekistan, as in all CIS countries, is driven by a process of land reform, which involves redistribution of land among producers and concomitant changes in farm structure. In this article we review the process of land reform since Uzbekistan’s independence and examine its impacts on agricultural growth and rural family incomes. The analysis is based on official statistics and data from a farm-level survey carried out in 2007.

¿Colombia encontró por fin una reforma agraria que funcione?

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2008

Este artículo evalúa las diferentes reformas agrarias en Colombia desde comienzos del siglo XX. Muestra los aciertos y desaciertos de la Ley 200 de 1936. Cuestiona el papel del Incora en la distribución y la concentración de tierras en la década de los setenta y el fallido intento de las organizaciones campesinas que buscaban una reforma agraria pacífica. Destaca los alcances del DRI en cuanto a la mejora de los ingresos campesinos, pero reconoce su efecto desalentador sobre la desigualdad social.

¡Se adueñan de la tierra!

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2008
United States of America
Central America
Latin America and the Caribbean

Juntas, las crisis alimentaria y financiera actuales dispararon un nuevo ciclo mundial de apropiación de tierras. Los gobiernos con “inseguridad alimentaria”, que dependen de importaciones para alimentar a su población, están arrebatando tierras agrícolas fuera de su país en las que pretenden producir alimentos propios. Las corporaciones alimentarias y los inversionistas privados, ávidos de ganancias en medio de la crisis financiera, ven la inversión en tierras agrícolas extranjeras como una importante y nueva fuente de lucro.

Os Assentamentos Rurais em Mato Grosso

Conference Papers & Reports
juli, 2008

Este artigo faz uma caracterização dos assentamentos de reforma agrária mato-grossenses. A primeira parte do trabalho consiste em apresentar as raízes históricas do problema da concentração de terras, ou seja, um breve resumo da história dos projetos de colonização, da posse da terra através das leis que favoreceram os grandes latifúndios que caracterizam a agropecuária estadual até os dias atuais.


Conference Papers & Reports
juli, 2008

O artigo se propõe a apresentar a discussão sobre a reforma agrária brasileira, no seu aspecto teórico e na análise do seu processo de execução. Verifica-se que, ao longo dos anos, através dos programas e projetos, faltou decisão política para realizar as transformações que a estrutura concentrada da terra está a exigir e melhorar as condições de vida das populações sem terra. A violência está presente no processo, fazendo um grande número de vítimas.