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Kenya: thriving green crops with no economic impact

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2007

Kenya is still largely agrarian with 80 percent of its population depending on agriculture for food, employment and income. The dilemma facing the country is that only 20 percent of the land is suited for agricultural production. A greater proportion of the country, however, consists of agroecologically less favoured areas (LFAs). Another dilemma in Kenya?s agricultural sector is that economic development impacts are not homogeneously spread even among the agriculturally favoured areas.

Land rental market activity in agrarian reform areas: evidence from the Philippines

december, 2007

Using data from 3,120 farm households surveyed in 2000 and 2006, the paper tests for factors that affect the degree and extent of households’ participation in the rural land rental market. The survey period coincided with the full implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) which imposes restriction on the conveyance and transfer (including rental) of all lands awarded under the program.

Land Reforms, Poverty Reduction, and Economic Growth : Evidence from India

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2007
Southern Asia

Recognition of the importance of institutions that provide security of property rights and relatively equal access to economic resources to a broad cross-section of society has renewed interest in the potential of asset redistribution, including land reforms. Empirical analysis of the impact of such policies is, however, scant and often contradictory. This paper uses panel household data from India, together with state-level variation in the implementation of land reform, to address some of the deficiencies of earlier studies.

Report on Eviction and Resettlement of Pastoralists from Ihefu and Usangu-Mbarali District to Kilwa and Lindi Districts

Reports & Research
november, 2007

This study is focused on the effects of the eviction process of pastoralists from Mbarali to Lindi Rural and Kilwa Districts in Lindi Region. The study sampled six villages out 15 villages in Lindi Rural and Kilwa districts. The study employed semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with district, village authorities, host communities and migrating pastoralists in selected villages.

Original People

Reports & Research
november, 2007

The Hadzabe community of the Yaida Valley requested UCRT to assist them to undertake a cultural mapping exercise.

Policy options for land reform in South Africa: New Institutional Mechanisms?

Reports & Research
oktober, 2007
South Africa

Since the 2005 Land Summit, new approaches to land reform have been on the agenda, yet there remains little clarity on the way forward. The main focus has been on means of accelerating the redistribution of land through new modes of acquiring land. Acquisition is an important matter but if treated in isolation risks mis-specifying the core problems evident in land reform in South Africa. A new phase of land reform located within a wider agrarian reform is needed and will require new institutional arrangements.

Construcción del Desarrollo Rural en Chile: Apuntes para abordar el tema desde una perspectiva de la sociedad civil.

Reports & Research
september, 2007

La consturcción del desarrollo rural en Chile ha sido asimétrica y excluyente. la participación de los pobladores de las áreas rurales no se ha incorporado a este proceso con la suficiente influencia para dirigir las acciones que les afectan.Las estrategias y enfoques que se han desplegado han tenido baja efectividad frente a procesos mayores que han aumentado las desigualdades y exclusiones en el medio rural´.

Rural Livelihoods in Three Mountainous Regions of Tajikistan

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2007

This article uses data from household income surveys to look at income structures amongst households in three mountainous regions of Tajikistan: Gorno-Badakhshan, the Rasht Valley and Eastern Khatlon. The structure of incomes demonstrates the dominant role of subsistence agriculture in all three regions although commercial agriculture is important amongst better-off households in Rasht. Relationships between poverty and household characteristics including access to capital, demographic variables and income-generating activities were examined.

Efficiency and Equity Impacts of Rural Land Rental Restrictions : Evidence from India

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
augustus, 2007
Southern Asia

Recognition of the potentially deleterious implications of inequality in opportunity originating in a skewed asset distribution has spawned considerable interest in land reforms. However, little attention has been devoted to fact that, in the longer term, the measures used to implement land reforms could negatively affect productivity. Use of state level data on rental restrictions, together with a nationally representative survey from India, suggests that, contrary to original intentions, rental restrictions negatively affect productivity and equity.

Determinants and Consequences of Land Sales Market Participation : Panel Evidence from India

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
augustus, 2007
Southern Asia

Although opinions on impacts of land market transfers are sharply divided, few studies explore the welfare and productivity effects of land markets on a larger scale. This paper uses a large Indian panel spanning almost 20 years, together with a climatic shock (rainfall) indicator, to assess the productivity and equity effects of market-mediated land transfers (sale and purchase) compared with non-market ones (inheritance). The analysis shows that frequent shocks increase land market activity, an effect that is mitigated by the presence of safety nets and banks.

The Land Act of Bhutan 2007

mei, 2007
Southern Asia

Preamble of Land Act: "Whereas, legislative reforms initiated from the Golden Throne have resulted in enactment and amendment of many laws for the benefit of the people of Bhutan, the Land Act of Bhutan shall stand testimony to the continued commitment and diligence of the Druk Gyalpo in his pursuit to promote the well-being of the Bhutanese people.

Wildlife Conservation for Tourism Investments or Villagers' Livelihoods?

Reports & Research
mei, 2007

A fact-finding mission team was formed as a result of consultative meetings on the land dispute between the village government and pastoralists in Vilima Vitatu village in Babati district. The team was comprised of the following members: Kassian Mshomba (LHRC), Seif Mangwangi (Majira), Diana Mawalla (PINGOs Forum), Hamadi Sadick, Emmanuel Cornel (PINGOs Forum), Asraji Mvungi (ITV), Rodgers Luhwago (The Citizen), Bakari Mnkondo (Uhuru), Bernard Baha (HakiArdhi) and Chambi Chachage (Independent Researcher).