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Implications of the Recent Land Reforms in Tanzania on the Land Rights of Small Producers

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2005

The land tenure system of Tanzania has passed through different historical milestones which form the basis for the analysis of the land tenure regime in general and tenure relations for land owners and users in particular in the past eight decades. The history dates back to 1923 when the British colonial legislative assembly enacted the Land Ordinance cap 113 to guide and regulate land use and ownership in Tanganyika which was their protectorate colony. Prior to this law, all the land in Tanzania was owned under customary tenure governed by clan and tribal traditions.

Thésaurus multilingue du foncier

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2005
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone

En 1999, la FAO publiait la première version française du Thésaurus multilingue du foncier. Cette version avait surtout pour vocation d'être mise à l'épreuve du terrain, c'est-à-dire soumise aux critiques constructives tant des usagers à la recherche d'informations et d'éclairages nouveaux que des experts du foncier. En effet, sur le fond comme sur la forme, sont apparus un certain nombre de points forts mais aussi des lacunes, relevés depuis 1999 par l'équipe des rédacteurs et par de nombreux autres spécialistes du foncier.

Гендер и доступ к земле

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2005
South Africa
United Kingdom

Это руководство по гендерным вопросам и доступа к земле, был подготовлен для поддержки земельных администраторов в правительств и их партнерами в гражданском обществе, которые участвуют в обеспечении доступа земель и управления земельными ресурсами  вопросы развития сельских районов. Часто бывает так, что гендерные вопросы опущены или неправильно в таких ситуациях, часто с отрицательными результатами.

The Land is the Economy: Revisiting the Land Question

Reports & Research
juli, 2005

Revisits Zimbabwe’s land question 5 years after the launching of the ‘fast-track’ land redistribution programme which has created a new paradigm, the consequences of which will take many years to work through the country’s political, economic, and social fabric. Briefly defines old and new versions of Zimbabwe’s land question before outlining salient aspects of the reform process. Assesses the outcomes of the redistribution, the apparent lacuna between land and agrarian reform, and the debate the reform process has kindled.

The Report of the National Land Forum 2005

Reports & Research
april, 2005

The Land Rights Research and Resources Institute held its second National level Public Forum on land on 12-13 May 2005. The two day forum was partly one of the planned activities in the Institute’s three year Strategic plan and a special event to commemorate the Institute’s tenth Anniversary. It thus took place along with other activities such as Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop, preparation and running of a documentary on land rights advocacy, special media programmes, Special theatre performance by Dhahabu theatre arts Group and moving into a more specious office premise.

This is our home - it is our land, our history and our right

Reports & Research
april, 2005
South Africa

For a number of years, community structures and civil society organisations have expressed concerns with the failings of the government’s land reform programme. There have been growing calls for a review of the land reform programme framework to address issues which impact on the tenure security and livelihoods strategies of rural communities in South Africa. 

Land to the Tiller: Agrarian Reform STILL a vital strategy for development

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2005
Brunei Darussalam

Agrarian reform, or AR, is the redistribution of public and private agricultural lands, regardless of produce and tenurial arrangement, to landless farmers and regular farm workers, to include support services and other arrangements alternative to distribution of land such as production/profi t sharing, labor organization, or distribution of shares of stock.

Asian NGO Perspectives on Agrarian Reform & Access to Land: ANGOC Policy Discussion Paper

Reports & Research
januari, 2005

This paper examines agrarian policies and practices in terms of how land is linked to many complex social, economic, cultural and political relations. While drawing from upon experiences from Asian countries, the paper is much more than an analysis of Asia’s agrarian reform experience. The paper is a timely resource for policy makers and practitioners regardless of their countries of special concern or responsibility.