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Conference Papers & Reports
juli, 2008

No processo de reforma agrária brasileiro é comum a redistribuição de terra ocorrer por meio de invasões das grandes proprieades pelos sem terra. Esse mecanismo introduz insegurança no direito de propriedade fundiária e, na Regîão Amazônica, tem como consequência o excesso de desflorestamento. Esse trabalho utiliza um jogo não-cooperativo para mostrar que as interações estratégicas entre proprietários e posseiros em um contexto instittucional onde as florestas naturais são consideradas como recursos de livre acesso implicam o excesso de desflorestamento.


Conference Papers & Reports
juli, 2008

O tema da reforma agrária é examinado por três ângulos: a ação do Estado, a demanda existente e o debate acadêmico. A partir da análise de diferentes perspectivas em jogo, indica-se como possível resposta ao título do texto, que sejam concentrados recursos humanos, financeiros e logísticos numa região que cubra a metade norte de Minas Gerais e se estenda até o Maranhão. Os mecanismos de desapropriação e aquisição ali ainda são possíveis por serem mais baratas as terras do Nordeste, levando em conta a escassez de recursos e a necessidade de maximizar a eficácia governamental.

Desafíos de la sociedad rural al despuntar el siglo XXI. Economía y política

Reports & Research
mei, 2008
Latin America and the Caribbean

Es libro es una compilación de seis investivgaciones que tienen como tema central la cuestión central en sus dimensiones económica, política, social y laboral. Toca temas como van desde los agronegocios, las agroexprotaciones, la reforma agraria y el movimiento campesino hasta la migración y el trabajo infantil rural.

Nicaragua Social Protection Public Expenditure Review

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2008
Latin America and the Caribbean

This review of public expenditures on Social Protection (SP) in Nicaragua is based on the analytical framework of Social Risk Management (SRM) developed by the World Bank. The concept of managing social risk comes from the notion that certain groups in society are vulnerable to unexpected shocks which threaten their livelihood and/or survival. Social protection focuses on the poor since they are more vulnerable to the risks and normally do not have the instruments to handle these risks.

The Agrofuel Industry in Tanzania: A Critical Inquiry into Challenges and Opportunities

Reports & Research
februari, 2008

Biofuel development in Tanzania places at stake 4 highly strategic national resources: land, water, forests and labour, and for generations to come. This alone is sufficient reason for the Tanzanian general public and rural communities in particular, to wrestle back the initiative and seek direct engagement in determining the best way forward for the nation.

Situational Analysis and Development Recommendations by and for Farm Dwellers in Amajuba District Council 2008

Reports & Research
januari, 2008
South Africa

A key challenge facing South Africa’s economic development is overcoming the structural poverty created through the systematic dispossession of the majority of its citizens. Although radically marginalized during apartheid, there is poor public acknowledgement of the losses experienced by those families who, through the passing of various racially biased, land and labour laws, became farm labour on commercial farms.

UNDP paper discusses ‘Decentralization and Women’s Rights to Land’

Reports & Research
januari, 2008

[adapted from UNDP] May, 2008- This UNDP discussion paper ‘Pro-Poor Land Tenure Reform and Democratic Governance’ provides a review of how different types of land tenure reform relate to decentralization and local governance, in theory and in practice.  The discussion suggests that in order to create more democratic and transparent local management of land resources, special mechanisms to protect women against direct and indirect discrimination, as well as the establishment of local land committees and land tribunals for conflict resolution are needed.

UNDP Land Policy Briefs call for more research to address knowledge gaps on gender relations in land practices

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2008

[via UNDP, 2008] These 4 Policy Briefs from UNDP show how increasing knowledge about gender relations and empowerment has highlighted the importance of access to and control over land within intra-household gender relations, and what this implies for broader concerns about empowerment of the poor.  Moreover, significant knowledge gaps are also found in discussions on the link between land policies and cultural, territorial and gender empowerment issues.


The FAO and its work on land policy and agrarian reform' outlines FAOs stance on gender and land rights

Legislation & Policies
Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2008

[September 2008]

Within this report, the FAO outlines its efforts to reinforce local institutions and promote policies and legislation that aim for fairer access for both women and men to natural resources (particularly land, water, fishing and forestry) and to the relevant economic and social resources.

It goes on to approach the reasons why land tenure should be taken into account in project design, highlighting ecological issues, questions of gender, conflict and migrations, and the relationships between them.

Azerbaijan - Farm Privatization Project, and Agricultural Development and Credit Project

Reports & Research
december, 2007

Ratings for the Farm Privatization Project for Azerbaijan are as follows: outcome was satisfactory; risk to the development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was satisfactory; and Borrower performance was highly satisfactory. Ratings for the Agricultural Development and Credit Project for Azerbaijan are as follows: outcome was satisfactory; risk to the development outcome was significant; Bank performance was satisfactory; and Borrower performance was also satisfactory.