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A gender perspective on land rights - Equal footing

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2004
Burkina Faso
Dominican Republic

Access to land is essential to food production and income generation. It is also a key social and economic asset, crucial for cultural identity, political power and participation in decisionmaking. Social and cultural beliefs often discriminate against people because of gender, social class or ethnic group.

Arrendamiento de tierras agrícolas

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2004

Esta guía sobre Arrendamiento de tierras agrícolas está diseñada para ofrecer información sobre los mecanismos de arrendamiento y hacerlo en un formato que pueda ser utilizado por las organizaciones de base que trabajan con pequeños agricultores y otros miembros de las comunidades rurales. Los mecanismos de arrendamiento equitativos y seguros que compaginan los intereses del arrendatario y los del propietario de la tierra pueden favorecer el acceso a la tierra de cultivo, mejorar la producción agrícola y facilitar el acceso a los alimentos.

Género y tierra - Igualdad de condiciones

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2004
Burkina Faso

El acceso a la tierra es indispensable para la producción de alimentos y la generación de ingresos. Asimismo, constituye un bien social y económico decisivo, que reviste una importancia crucial para la identidad cultural, el poder político y la participación en el proceso de toma de decisiones. Las creencias sociales y culturales suelen dar lugar a discriminación contra las personas por motivos de género, clase social o grupo étnico.

Les femmes et le droit foncier - Sur un pied d’égalité

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2004
Burkina Faso

L’accès à la terre est indispensable pour produire de la nourriture et créer des revenus. C’est aussi un atout social et économique déterminant qui donne accès à l’identité culturelle, au pouvoir politique et à la prise de décisions. Les préjugés sociaux et culturels sont souvent responsables d’une discrimination à l’égard d’un sexe, d’une classe sociale ou d’un groupe ethnique.

EU Task Force on Land Tenure

Manuals & Guidelines
oktober, 2004

In recent years, issues of access to land and natural resources have been of growing concern to developing country governments and donors. Much evolution in experience and thinking has taken place over this period, with several multilateral and bilateral donors drawing up new policy papers on land.

Critical Analysis of the Land Laws- A study

Reports & Research
augustus, 2004

The task at hand entails the critical review of the Land Laws of Tanzania, chiefly Act No.4 and Act No.5, 1999 and their subsequent revisions. This could not be done out of context, or by confining oneself solely to the statutes. It was pertinent to review the factors and processes that informed the legislation. Towards this end, an extensive literature review on various aspects related to land reforms in Tanzania was done.

Identidades y desarrollo en el Chaco boliviano

Reports & Research
augustus, 2004

El estudio del Chaco, adquiere especial relevancia, por que allí se encuentra el tercer grupo étnico más grande del país, resistente en la colonia y rebelde en el primer siglo de la República. Al mismo tiempo, se establecieron un conjunto de habitantes con múltiples intereses y, desde la colonia, la hacienda ganadera ha ido consolidando espacios y construyendo una suerte de paralelo en la historia.

A Report of a Fact Finding Study on Conflicts between Loita Maasai and Batemi Sonyo ni Sale Division Loliondo District

Reports & Research
juli, 2004

The conflict for which the research team has taken immediate measures to find its causes and give recommendations for its complete arrest, took place from the 1st-14th July 2004 in the frontiers of Engusero Sambu and Kisangiro villages, in the divisions of Loliondo and Sale, respectively, both of Ngorongoro District. Ngorongoro is the third division in the District. One person was killed and another injured in the subject fighting.

Successful Land Individualization in Trans-Caucasia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2004

How do we measure the success of agrarian transformation? Land reform, in- terpreted in the transition context as privatization of land with the associated is- sues of land market development and the restructuring of traditional large farms, is only one facet of a multi-dimensional process of transition to a market-oriented agriculture. However important land reform is, success requires progress in all relevant dimensions.

Os direitos da mulher à terra e os movimentos sociais rurais na reforma agrária brasileira

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2003
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Este artigo examina a evolução da reivindicação dos direitos da mulher à terra na reforma agrária brasileira sob o prisma dos três principais movimentos sociais rurais: o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), os sindicatos rurais e o movimento autônomo de mulheres rurais. O mérito maior por levantar a questão dos direitos da mulher à terra é das mulheres dentro dos sindicatos rurais.