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Operational Risk Assessment (ORA) for Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in Bangladesh : Final Report, Volume 1

februari, 2013

The Local Government Division, Ministry
of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives
(LGD) agreed, as part of the identification of a follow-up
project to the on-going Rural Transport Improvement Program
(RTIP), to launch an Operational Risk Assessment (ORA) of
the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). The ORA
draws on and adapts previous work to develop methodologies
to assess and suggest mitigation measures for fiduciary

Bangladesh - Policies for Mainstreaming Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Urban Development of Greater Dhaka

februari, 2013

This policy note focuses on analyzing
critical institutional and planning issues affecting
Dhaka's Metropolitan Area, and suggests policy
recommendations for introducing sound urban environmental
planning to improve the quality of life by mitigating and
reversing environmental degradation. The report concludes
with urgent recommended actions to address gaps in urban
planning and environmental management that focus on

Rethinking Forest Partnerships and Benefit Sharing : Insights on Factors and Context that Make Collaborative Arrangements Work for Communities and Landowners

februari, 2013

Forest-sector collaborative arrangements
come in many forms. The local partner may be a community, an
association, or a set of individual landholders. The outside
partner may be a private organization or a government. The
interest of the local partner may be production of income
from the forest, security of access to land, increased labor
or small business opportunities, protection of traditionally
valued resources, or other values. The interest of the

Technical Assistance to the Agriculture Development Task Force in Afghanistan

februari, 2013

This report summarizes the main outputs
of the technical assistance provided which was concentrated
in three areas: (1) development of MAIL's strategic
priorities and investments for the immediate future/short
term, medium term and longer term; (2) advising Ministry of
Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) regarding the
design of an appropriate structure of the Ministry and
definition of corresponding responsibilities; (3)

Republic of Tajikistan : Accounting and Auditing

februari, 2013

This report describes the results of a
ROSC assessment of the accounting, financial reporting and
auditing requirements and practices of the Republic of
Tajikistan's enterprise and financial sectors. The
report assesses the quality of the Tajik financial reporting
framework and makes policy recommendations for improvement.
With a gross national income per capita of US$430,
Tajikistan remains the poorest country in the former Soviet

Operational Risk Assessment (ORA) for Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in Bangladesh : Final Report, Volume 2

februari, 2013

The Local Government Division, Ministry
of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives
(LGD) agreed, as part of the identification of a follow-up
project to the on-going Rural Transport Improvement Program
(RTIP), to launch an Operational Risk Assessment (ORA) of
the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED). The ORA
draws on and adapts previous work to develop methodologies
to assess and suggest mitigation measures for fiduciary

Policy Note : Environmental Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

februari, 2013

This policy note, Environmental
Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy
for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, investigates six environmental
management topics which will affect the capacity of the
province to develop the economy and need to be underpinned
by strong environmental and natural resource management. The
six topics cover: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, land and
water, environmental law and regulations, and spatial

Panama : Country Environmental Analysis

februari, 2013

Panama is experiencing spectacular
economic growth, averaging 7.5 percent during 2004-06; a
construction boom; and emerging new opportunities and
growing export markets. Despite this impressive growth
performance, at the national level poverty remained almost
unchanged during 1997-2006 at around 37 percent (masking a
decline in rural poverty and an increase in urban and
indigenous areas). Key development challenges for Panama

Pakistan's Investment Climate : Laying the Foundation for Growth, Volume 2. Annexes

februari, 2013

Pakistan has faced a seismic shift in
its global and domestic economic landscape which until
recently limited policy options to address investment
climate concerns. External shocks, internal policy inaction
and political turmoil placed the country in a precarious
economic condition, calling on the authorities to take a
hard look at the policy choices ahead. Macroeconomic
instability resulting in inflation, exchange rate

West Bank and Gaza - Transport Sector Strategy Note

februari, 2013

The purpose of this Transport Sector
Note (TSN) is to assist the Palestinian Authority (PA) in
developing a strategy for the sector that can aid in
addressing the immediate constraints and transport issues in
support of the PA's effort to revive the national
economy, improve mobility and reduce poverty. The TSN also
aims to assist the responsible sector ministries prepare a
coherent strategic framework and program for the sector.

Planning, Connecting, and Financing Cities--Now : Priorities for City Leaders

januari, 2013

This report provides Mayors and other policymakers with a policy framework and diagnostic tools to anticipate and implement strategies that can avoid their cities from locking into irreversible physical and social structures. At the core of the policy framework are the three main dimensions of urban development.
· Planning— where the focus is on making land transactions easier, and making land use regulations more responsive to emerging needs especially to coordinate land use planning with infrastructure, natural resource management, and risks from hazards;

Rural Households in a Changing Climate

januari, 2013

This paper argues that climate change
poses two distinct, if related, sets of challenges for poor
rural households: challenges related to the increasing
frequency and severity of weather shocks and challenges
related to long-term shifts in temperature, rainfall
patterns, water availability, and other environmental
factors. Within this framework, the paper examines evidence
from existing empirical literature to compose an initial