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Displaying 781 - 792 of 1254

Does Urbanization Affect Rural Poverty? Evidence from Indian Districts

januari, 2013

Although a high rate of urbanization and
a high incidence of rural poverty are two distinct features
of many developing countries, there is little knowledge of
the effects of the former on the latter. Using a large
sample of Indian districts from the 1983-1999 period, the
authors find that urbanization has a substantial and
systematic poverty-reducing effect in the surrounding rural
areas. The results obtained through an instrumental variable

Report of the discussion on the right to land for shelter

Reports & Research
januari, 2013

Please find here the report of the online discussion facilitated by Ekta Parishad on the land portal in December 2012 : Is the right to land for shelter a human right? Many thanks to all of the participants for their very interesting inputs, which will contribute to the ongoing negociations with the indian government.

Special thanks to Dominik Pauli for his great support and commitment.

Avertissements du Comité d'Inspection de la Banque Mondiale sur l'impact des projets de la Banque

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2013

Le Comité d'inspection est un instrument indépendant de recours dont disposent ceux qui estiment avoir été ou risquent d'être lésés par un projet financé par la Banque Mondiale. Le Comité offre un outil pour aider la Banque, compte tenu des responsabilités de celle-ci, en matière de respect de ses politiques de précaution.

Gender and equity implications of land-related investments - Cases of study - Ghana (FAO 2013)

januari, 2013
Western Africa

Agricultural investments create risks as well as opportunities, for instance The Case Study of Integrated Tamale Fruit Company (2013) In recent years, Ghana has witnessed increased interest from private companies in developing agricultural investments. This trend is common to many lower/middle income countries.

Gender and equity implications of land-related investments - Case of study - Zambia (FAO 2013)

Reports & Research
januari, 2013
Southern Africa

In recent years, Zambia has witnessed increased interest from private investors in acquiring land for agriculture. As elsewhere, large-scale land acquisitions are often accompanied with promises of capital investments to build infrastructure, bring new technologies and know-how, create employment, and improve market access, among other benefits

A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in Zambia (2013) 

Liberia Country Program Evaluation 2004-2011 : Evaluation of the World Bank Group Program

januari, 2013

This report evaluates the outcomes of
World Bank Group support to Liberia from its post-war
reengagement in 2003 through 2011. The country has moved
from total disarray to a solid foundation for inclusive
development. Although development has not moved forward as
quickly as hoped, substantial progress has been made. Public
finance and key institutions have been rebuilt; crucial
transport facilities have been restored; and hospitals,

Investment Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty : Application to Climate Change

januari, 2013

While agreeing on the choice of an
optimal investment decision is already difficult for any
diverse group of actors, priorities, and world views, the
presence of deep uncertainties further challenges the
decision-making framework by questioning the robustness of
all purportedly optimal solutions. This paper summarizes the
additional uncertainty that is created by climate change,
and reviews the tools that are available to project climate