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Displaying 757 - 768 of 1254

DKI Assets Management Component

februari, 2013

The report examines the fixed assets
management practices and procedures of the Provincial
Government of Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta and
identifies its weaknesses. The objective is to identify a
set of implementable interventions which should assist DKI
in achieving an unqualified audit of its fixed assets. As
part of the exercise, the assignment will identify areas for
potential improvement to existing assets management systems

Gender and Environment

februari, 2013

This report focuses on the nexus of
environment and gender equality, defined as equality of
access to and control over natural resources and development
benefits; and equality of access to decision-making and
representation for environmental and natural resources
management process. The report provides recommendations to
expand women's opportunities to own land; expand
men's and women's knowledge and participation in

Small Area Estimation of Poverty in Rural Bhutan

februari, 2013

The Small Area Estimation (SAE) of
poverty in Rural Bhutan was prepared with an objective to
provide a more disaggregated picture of poverty in Bhutan
down to the gewog level, based on the Bhutan living standard
survey 2007 and Population and Housing Census of Bhutan
(PHCB) 2005. The report records the estimation process in
detail and describes results of statistical tests for
quality checks. According to these tests, the poverty

Improving the Sustainability of Road Management and Financing in Azerbaijan

februari, 2013

A well-maintained road network that
provides the level of service required by road-users is an
important element of Azerbaijan's development strategy
to accelerate economic growth and reduce poverty. As part of
this strategy, the Government of Azerbaijan (Government) has
undertaken major capital improvements on the major arterial
road network. However, the secondary and local roads
continue to be underfunded, and a large rehabilitation

Philippines : Study on Local Service Delivery

februari, 2013

This policy note analyzes the
composition of public expenditures that support devolved
services (including the resource allocation decisions that
support these expenditures), an assessment of the quality of
local service delivery based on available local data, and an
evaluation of the interactions between various public
entities that finance and provide local services. The report
includes reviews of local capital investments, local road

Bosnia and Herzegovina - The Road to Europe : Transport Sector Review - Main Report

februari, 2013

This report highlights deficiencies and
indicates priorities for a prospective national transport
strategy and action plan for further consideration by key
stakeholders. The overall objective should be the
development of a transport system, and an institutional
framework, that facilitates rather than constrains, economic
development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A strong transport
system contributes to economic growth by reducing the

Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

februari, 2013

Policy makers and development
practitioners who are responsible for developing investment
strategies to promote economic growth find many challenges
in the changing face of agriculture in the twenty-first
century. In addition to its productive role of providing
food, clothing, fuel, and housing for a growing world
population, agriculture assumes other roles, the importance
of which has more recently been recognized. In addition to

Azerbaijan : Country Environmental Analysis

februari, 2013

The Country Environmental Analysis,
presents a review of environmental priorities, public
environmental expenditures and the supporting institutional
framework and makes recommendations to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of public environmental
expenditure in Azerbaijan. The focus is to identify areas
for improvement and changes to ensure that the process of
establishing environment-related priorities is sufficiently

Romania - Functional Review : Agriculture and Rural Development Administration

februari, 2013

This report presents the outcomes of the
functional review of Romania's agricultural
administration. Given the sectoral and territorial relevance
of its regulatory domain, Romania s Agricultural and Rural
Development Administration is a key administrative body
undergoing this Functional Review. The review will examine
whether the policy goals and objectives of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) and its agencies

Addis Ababa City : Public Expenditure Review

februari, 2013

This study on Addis Ababa is part of the
national Public Expenditure Review (PFR-2010) study and the
report is one of the four regional PER-2010 reports. The
objective of the study is to review the institutional
arrangements for managing public finances in Addis Ababa
city administration, to assess the level, trend, and
composition of public revenue, spending and financing as
well as to review the planning and budgeting process. The

Securing Durable Development in Afghanistan : Policy Notes for the Government

februari, 2013

The government of Afghanistan has an
opportunity in the coming months to turn the country around.
It is now opportune to improve security, governance, and
development. Unprecedented international military support,
political attention and aid are available to Afghanistan.
The government is inheriting years of good economic
performance, notable progress on social outcomes, and
continuing strong support from the international community.

Jamaica : Toward a Strategy for Financial Weather Risk Management in Agriculture

februari, 2013

This report forms part of the technical
assistance provided by the World Bank under the Non-lending
Technical Assistance Program for the Caribbean
'market-based agriculture risk management in the
Caribbean.' The program is largely financed by the
European Union All Agriculture Commodities Program (AACP)
Initiative and contributions from the International Fund for
Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the World Bank. This