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Summary of the Online Discussion on Linking Gender, Poverty, and Environment for Sustainable Development (May 2 - June 17, 2011)

augustus, 2012

Gender-poverty-environment links: a
focus on the links between gender disparity, poverty and
environmental degradation is increasingly recognized as a
key strategy for improving the lives of poor women and men.
Acknowledging the ways in which relationships between the
environment, society and the economy are gendered opens
space for new approaches to poverty reduction, environmental
conservation and gender equality. The Social Development

Making Women's Voices Count in Natural Disaster Programs in East Asia and the Pacific

augustus, 2012

The East Asia region is highly prone to
the impacts of natural disasters. Situated in the ring of
fire, countries in the region are regularly hit by typhoons,
earthquakes, floods, and other events. Natural disasters can
have major impacts on the social and economic welfare of a
population, and often pose serious obstacles in the
achievement of sustainable social and economic development.
Moreover, impacts from disasters are not uniformly

Securing Property Rights and Increasing Real Estate Productivity in FYR Macedonia

augustus, 2012

Before 2005, FYR Macedonia did not have
a well-functioning property registration system and citizens
did not have secure property rights. Since the start of the
World Bank-funded Real Estate Cadastre and Registration
Project (RECRP) in Macedonia in 2005, registered property
transactions in the country have increased by 121 percent;
there were 93,240 registered transactions in 2009 compared
with 42,116 in 2005. Annual mortgages registered in the land

Empowerment and Poverty Reduction through Infrastructure and Service Provision in Rural Pakistan

augustus, 2012

Poverty in Pakistan is overwhelmingly
rural. Some two-thirds of Pakistan's population, and
over 60 percent of the country's poor, live in rural
areas. In 2005, average per capita expenditures in rural
areas were 31 percent lower than in urban areas. This
inequality between urban and rural areas is re-enforced by
inequality within and between rural areas. Owing to uneven
access to land and useable water, most of the increased

Ecuador - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture

augustus, 2012

This country note briefly summarizes
information relevant to both climate change and agriculture
in Ecuador, with focus on policy developments (including
action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like
most countries in Latin America, Ecuador has submitted one
national communication to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one
under preparation. Land use change and forestry are the

Forced Displacement : Overview of the World Bank Portfolio

augustus, 2012

For the purposes of this note, forced
displacement refers to the situation of persons who are
forced to leave or flee their homes due to conflict,
violence, or persecution. Those displaced can either be
refugees outside their country of nationality or be people
displaced inside their country of nationality (IDPs). This
notwithstanding, the portfolio review of Bank activities
addressing displacement indicates a need for systematically

Armenia : Title Registration Project

augustus, 2012

This approach resulted in the
fragmentation of agricultural holdings, with families owning
noncontiguous plots. Land use was inefficient, owing in part
to the low rate of use of agricultural machinery. Making
land use and farming more efficient will require the
establishment of a functioning land market. Granting farmers
the right to sell, exchange, and lease their land will
enable them to use it as collateral and to consolidate

Climate Variability and Water Resources in Kenya : The Economic Cost of Inadequate Management

augustus, 2012

Eighty percent of Kenya is arid and
semi-arid land; yet despite chronic water scarcity, the
country has developed only 15 percent of its available safe
water resources. Demand for water is expected to rise, owing
to population increases and growing requirements for
irrigated agriculture, urban and rural populations,
industries, livestock, and hydropower. Meanwhile, climate
variability and the steady degradation of water resources

Tracking Results in Agriculture and Rural Development in Less-Than-Ideal Conditions : A Sourcebook of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation

augustus, 2012

The demand for verifiable evidence of
results and impacts of development agricultural programs and
projects is growing. However, most of the indicators that
development practitioners have traditionally used in
tracking progress toward achieving projects' objectives
focus on the workings of the development operation itself.
These performance indicators relate mainly to lower-level
inputs and outputs and are used to populate management

Financial Services for Developing Small-Scale Irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa

augustus, 2012

Food insecurity and income poverty are
rampant in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thirty-one percent of
children under the age of five are malnourished and some 72
percent of the population lives on less than US$2 day.
Forty-one percent lives on less than US$1 day. The
impoverished and hungry are concentrated disproportionately
in rural areas and rely mainly on the consumption and sale
of agricultural produce for their food and income. Africa

Climate Policy Processes, Local Institutions, and Adaptation Actions : Mechanisms of Translation and Influence

augustus, 2012

This paper focuses on the experience of
the national-level adaptation planning efforts and the
lessons that can be derived for more effective adaptation
from an examination of local governance of development and
natural resources. After examining national level adaptation
plans, particularly the NAPAs (National Adaptation
Programmes of Action), the paper analyzes the range of
institutional instruments and relationships visible in

Improving Local Roads and Creating Jobs through Rapid Response Projects : Lessons from Armenia Lifeline Roads Improvement Project

augustus, 2012

In late 2008 the Republic of Armenia
requested the Bank's assistance to mitigate the impact
of the global financial crisis. This technical note
describes how the Lifeline Road Improvement Project (LRIP)
was prepared and implemented as a Rapid Response Project,
prepared in only six weeks. This project saw over 150 km of
roads improved and almost 12,000 person-months of employment
generated during an eight month period between May to