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Displaying 877 - 888 of 1254

Measuring Empowerment : Cross Disciplinary Perspectives

juni, 2012

Poverty reduction on a large scale
depends on empowering those who are most motivated to move
out of poverty-poor people themselves. But if empowerment
cannot be measured, it will not be taken seriously in
development policy making and programming. Building on the
"Empowerment and Poverty Reduction Sourcebook,"
this volume outlines a conceptual framework that can be used
to monitor and evaluate programs centered on empowerment

Housing Finance in Afghanistan : Challenges and Opportunities

juni, 2012

This study examines the constraints on
the housing sector in Afghanistan. It evaluates government
policy on housing, looks at the state of housing finance,
and examines legal and regulatory barriers with a bearing on
the housing market. The report provides policy
recommendations aimed at helping to develop a private-sector
led housing market. To assist in formulating policies and
implementing actions, the study recommends forming a housing

Democratic Republic of Congo : Growth with Governance in the Mining Sector

juni, 2012

This study examines the mining
sector's potential to contribute to economic growth
with governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the
past, mining has been the main engine of the Congo economy.
But the revenues and other benefit streams generated by the
sector over the years have not been used in a wise or
sustainable fashion, largely due to key problems with sector
governance. During the past ten years of civil war and

Senegal : Country Environmental Analysis

juni, 2012

The main objective of the Senegal
Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) is to reinforce the
ongoing dialogue on environmental issues between the World
Bank and the Government of Senegal. The CEA also aims to
support the ongoing Government implementation of a strategic
results-based planning process at the Environment Ministry
(MEPNBRLA). The main goal is to enable Senegal to have the
necessary tools to attain the Millennium Development Goals

Zimbabwe Infrastructure Dialogue in Roads, Railways, Water,
Energy, and Telecommunication Sub-Sectors

juni, 2012

In the 1990s, Zimbabwe's economic
growth began to slow following a balance of payments crisis
and repeated droughts. By the late 1990s Zimbabwe's
economy was in serious trouble driven by economic
mismanagement, political violence, and the wider impact of
the land reform program on food production. During 2007
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contract by more than 6
percent, making the cumulative output decline over 35

Cameroon - Agricultural Value Chain : Competitiveness Study

juni, 2012

This study, competitiveness of the value
chain of the agricultural sector in Cameroon, aims to help
the Government achieve its objectives for the rural sector.
The main objective of this study was to provide information
on the potentials, investment and growth policies of
commercial agriculture in Cameroon. It gives an overview of
the constraints and analyzes the national, regional or
international competitiveness of six value chains of the

Arab Republic of Egypt : Integrated Water Resources Management Plan

juni, 2012

The challenges facing the water sector in Egypt are enormous and require the mobilization of all resources and the management of these resources in an integrated manner. Changes in the way water resources are currently allocated and managed are inevitable. Accordingly, a National Water Resources Plan for Egypt (NWRP) was launched. The NWRP is a comprehensive document which describes how Egypt will safeguard its water resources in the future, both with respect to quantity and quality, and how it will use these resources in the best way from a socio-economic and environmental point of view.

Changing the Face of the Waters : The Promise and Challenge of Sustainable Aquaculture

juni, 2012

This study provides strategic
orientations and recommendations for Bank client countries
and suggests approaches for the Bank's role in a
rapidly changing industry with high economic potential. It
identifies priorities and options for policy adjustments,
catalytic investments, and entry points for the Bank and
other investors to foster environmentally friendly,
wealth-creating, and sustainable aquaculture. The objectives

Afghanistan : Economic Incentives and Development Initiatives to Reduce Opium Production

juni, 2012

This report is about how to
progressively reduce over time Afghanistan's dependence
on opium - currently the country's leading economic
activity - by development initiatives and shifting economic
incentives toward sustainable legal livelihoods.
Specifically, the report identifies additional investments
and policy and institutional measures to support development
responses that can counterbalance the economic advantages of

Housing Finance in Sri Lanka : Opportunities and Challenges

juni, 2012

Sri Lanka has embarked on a gradual
transition from a system of directed credit in a highly
segmented market toward an integrated market-driven housing
finance system. This transition has included an increased
role of private universal banks in the immediate term and a
functioning secondary mortgage market in the long term. An
active system of housing finance provides real economic
benefits and positively affects savings, investment, and

Bangladesh - Dhaka : Improving Living Conditions for the Urban Poor

juni, 2012

This study on Bangladesh Dhaka-improving
living conditions for the urban poor reflects a
comprehensive look at poverty in Dhaka with an aim to
provide the basis for an urban poverty reduction strategy
for the Government of Bangladesh, local authorities, donors,
and NGOs. While the needs in Dhaka are enormous, this study
focuses on analyzing those critical for the poor -
understanding the characteristics and dynamics of poverty,

Ghana : Country Environmental Analysis

juni, 2012

The Ghana Country Environment Analysis
(CEA) has thus been formulated to assist the Government of
Ghana and its development partners to: (a) assess the
country's environmental priorities in key sectors, the
environmental implications of key economic and sector
policies, and the country's institutional capacity to
address them; and (b) find practical management,
institutional, and policy solutions to handle issues of