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West Africa : Community Based Natural Resource Management

augustus, 2012
Western Africa

This has to be accomplished against a
background of high illiteracy rates, rapidly growing
populations, low and erratic rainfall, inherently infertile
soils, and development strategies which have had a strong
urban bias. Under such conditions, traditional production
systems are unable to sustain the population. Without
significant change, land degradation will accelerate and the
natural resource base on which agricultural production

Social Assessment Builds a Project for People and Parks in Argentina

augustus, 2012

In the Argentina Biodiversity
Conservation Project, a social assessment (SA) helped the
Government of Argentina/World Bank team develop a
cooperative approach to protected areas management. Social
analysis and participatory research helped the task team
understand the range of potential social impacts and risks
to people living in proposed protected areas, and to the
project itself. The resulting recommendations were put

Participation and Indigenous Peoples

augustus, 2012

The characteristics of indigenous groups
make participatory approaches especially critical to
safeguarding their interests int he development process.
Such approaches, recognizing the right of indigenous peoples
to participate actively in planning their own futures, are
supported by major donors and international organizations,
including the World Bank, but have proved very difficult to
implement. They call for changes in attitudes, policies and

Rural Development, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

augustus, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

? This article outlines the role that
the World Bank will play in supporting a modified rural
development strategy for the Sub-Saharan Africa region: The
Bank will be more selective in targeting countries for
assistance in rural development programs, focusing on those
that demonstrate commitment to appropriate agricultural
policy and investment. It will expand its information,
education and communication initiatives to help governments

Towards Environmentally Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

augustus, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

Environmental degradation primarily
affects the poor, both in rural and urban areas. Reversing
the downward spiral of this degradation is essential to any
strategy for reducing poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. This
study outlines the World Bank's strategy for improving
its assistance to SSA countries as they move toward
environmentally sustainable development (ESD). It assesses
the environmental situation and long-term trends in Africa,

West Central Africa : Building Ownership for Environmentally Sustainable Development

augustus, 2012
Middle Africa

Within the sub-region of West Central
Africa (Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana,
Niger, Nigeria, and Togo) several countries have completed
National Environmental Action Plans (NEAPs). Some are
implementing environmental support programs based on these
plans, as well as more site-specific natural resource
management, urban environmental management, and biodiversity
conservation projects. The report notes some success

Pastoral Rangelands in Sub-Saharan Africa : Strategies for Sustainable Development

augustus, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

The Sahel Operational Review (SOR) seeks
to accelerate the transfer of lessons learned in natural
resource management from ongoing Bank projects to the design
of new Bank projects. This paper is the final report of the
second phase of the SOR. It summarizes 29 SOR activities
between 1989 and July 1994, including project reviews,
seminars, workshops, conferences, and studies. This final
report is an attempt to incorporate the major lessons and

Environmental Information Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Investing in the Future

augustus, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

The World Bank, together with other
donors, has launched a program for promoting information
systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Because of the importance of
geo-referenced information systems in resource
decision-making, a systematic review of the Bank portfolio
in Sub-Saharan Africa has been carried out from Fiscal Year
(FY) 1988 to FY 1993. This review assesses if the Bank
commitment to developing geo-referenced information systems

Sustainable Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Agriculture in Zimbabwe's Rural Areas of Matabelel and North and South Provinces :
Zimbabwe Case Study

augustus, 2012

This study researched Indigenous
Knowledge Systems (IKS) in agriculture in Zimbabwe's
rural areas, focusing on crop farming in the Tonga of Binga
District in Matebeleland's North Province, and
livestock in the Kalanga tribe of the Plumtree District in
Matebeleland's South Province. The study aimed to
uncover some of the knowledge that indigenous people used to
survive under the harsh climatic and physical conditions of

Social Assessment in Tajikistan Brings Rural Realities to Urban Decisionmakers

augustus, 2012

A social assessment was done during the
preparation of Tajikistan's Pilot Poverty Alleviation
Project to answer several key questions: What are the poor
people's priority needs and wants? Why are they poor?
What are their own strategies for improving their lives?
And how can they be helped to improve their circumstances?
By answering these questions, the social assessment helped
the project team incorporate poor people's priorities

Involving Farmers : Social Assessment in the Estonia Agriculture Project

augustus, 2012

Countries in transition from centrally
planned to market economies face several challenges when
planning investments. These include a lack of information
about beneficiary groups, particularly those in rural areas;
and the collapse of institutions maintained by the state
prior to transition. During preparation of the Estonia
Agriculture Project, the government sought World Bank
technical assistance to undertake a social assessment (SA)

Managing Forest Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Challenges

augustus, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

The note summarizes the findings of the
Africa Forest Strategy Paper, which responded to the
problems confronting forest resources in the Sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA), providing a comprehensive overview, and
analysis of the forest sector, and mapping a set of actions
for consideration by African countries. The diagnosis
highlights the nexus between rapid population growth,
environmental degradation, and poor agricultural