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Confrontos entre Produtores, camponeses e investidores na Zambézia, norte de Moçambique, no contexto de pressões relativas ao lucro em investidores europeus

Conference Papers & Reports
maart, 2012

Investidores agrícolas estrangeiros estão em conflitos com camponeses locais em Moçambique, num confronto sobre modelos agrícolas e desenvolvimento. Investidores estrangeiros de olho em terra aparentemente vaga, prometem lucros elevados (muitas vezes inflacionados) a investidores e parceiros locais. Alguns esperam capitalizar com créditos de carbono ou produzir biocombustíveis e alegam ser investimentos “verdes” (ecológicos). Todos prometem empregos, escolas e desenvolvimento local.

Confrontation between peasant producers and investors in northern Zambézia, Mozambique, in the context of profit pressures on European investors

Conference Papers & Reports
maart, 2012

Foreign agricultural investors are clashing with local peasants in Mozambique, in a  confrontation over agricultural and development models. Foreign investors looking a apparently vacant land promise high (often inflated) profits to investors and local partners. Some hope to capitalise on carbon credits or produce biofuels, and claim to be green investments. All promise jobs, schools, and local development. Local backers support the outside investors and their plantations with terms like "progress" and "modernisation".

Advocating for Effective Regulations for the Cashew Nut Industry in Tanzania

Reports & Research
december, 2011

The assessment of the policies, strategies, legislation, regulation and functioning of the cashew market in Tanzania is framed within the impact of the overall competitiveness of the sector. In doing so it is important to recognise that the cashew sector throughout Africa is in fact two chains which do not always operate in a cohesive manner but which are really only linked at one end the farm gate and at the other on the retail shelf.

Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania

Reports & Research
december, 2011

This appendix takes output from the production and investment model and sets out further detail on the development profiles of each of the six clusters, providing projections of on-farm investment, last mile infrastructure, and necessary supporting agriculture and backbone infrastructure. From this, it details the resulting gross revenue and developmental impact of that investment

Economic land concessions profile: Heng Development Co., Ltd

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2011

A webpage list showing company name, address, director name and nationality, status of company registration with the Ministry of Commerce, legal papers and investment rights, ELC size and location with coordinates, purpose of investment, contract duration, land utilization plan, profess of implementation after contract signing, and any measures taken by the Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF).