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Displaying 49 - 60 of 87

Assessment of the Financing Framework for Municipal Infrastructure in Vietnam

april, 2014

A fundamental challenge for Vietnam is
to improve the affordability and efficiency of
infrastructure investment. The fragmentation of public
infrastructure investment results in duplication and waste,
and is a major underlying cause of investment inefficiency.
Bond issuance has been the most prominent form of debt
financing at the sub-national level. At the provincial
level, significant disconnects exist between total planned

Unlocking Land Values for Urban Infrastructure Finance : International Experience--Considerations for Indian Policy

februari, 2014

Despite strong economic growth,
investment in basic urban infrastructure -- water supply,
wastewater removal and treatment, roads, and other
capital-intensive systems -- has failed to keep pace with
urban growth, leaving a critical urban infrastructure
deficit. At the same time, urban lands in these many
developing countries are among the most expensive in the
world. Much of this land is owned by public authorities.

Microfinance Consensus Guidelines : Guiding Principles on Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance

februari, 2014

Many developing countries and countries
with transitional economies are considering whether and how
to regulate microfinance. These guiding principles are
formulated for the regulation and supervision of
microfinance. This document is divided into five sections.
The first section of the paper discusses terminology and
preliminary issues. The second section outlines areas of
regulatory concern that do not call for

The Politics of Russian Enterprise Reform : Insiders, Local Governments, and the Obstacles to Restructuring

februari, 2014

Russia and other countries in the
commonwealth of independent states that have implemented
voucher privatization programs have to account for the
puzzling behavior of insiders manager-owners-who, in
stripping assets from the firms they own, appear to be
stealing from one pocket to fill the other. This article
suggests that asset stripping and the absence of
restructuring result from interactions between insiders and

Financial Sector Assessment Program Update : Egypt

oktober, 2013

A joint team from the International
Monetary Fund's (IMF's) Monetary and Financial
Systems Department (MFD) and the World Bank visited Egypt
between May 6 and May 21, 2007 to update the assessment of
the Egyptian Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) that
had been conducted in June 2002 and completed in September
2002. The work under the FSAP update aimed to assess
progress in reforming the financial sector and strengthening

Fostering the Development of Greenfield Mining-related Transport Infrastructure through Project Financing

september, 2013

The purpose of this study is to serve as
a guide on developing Greenfield transport infrastructure
(rail and port) primarily used to support mining operations
('mining-related infrastructure'), through
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) schemes and on a project
finance basis. The focus is on key financing issues and
considerations, as well as recommendations for governments
and private-sector participants, specifically in the context

Local Governments and the Financial Crisis : An Analysis

september, 2013

The financial and economic crisis that
started in the United States has finally impacted all urban
communities and investment financing systems around the
world. Local governments grappling with the crisis face a
number of constraints which, though disparate in nature,
have a cumulative effect. This phenomenon has created a
number of extremely difficult situations. In general terms,
the consequences of the crisis can be felt on four levels:

Lao PDR Economic Monitor : November 2008

juni, 2013

The Lao PDR economy continues to grow, but at a relatively slower pace as the impacts of the global financial turmoil are starting to be felt. Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to slow in 2008 to about 7 percent as result of the impacts of the global financial crisis. GDP growth is also projected to slow to between 5 and 6 percent in 2009. However, growth remains fairly strong and still driven by the ongoing hydropower projects as well as agro processing industries, construction and other services.

State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2008

mei, 2013

The carbon market is the most visible result of early regulatory efforts to mitigate climate change. Regulation constraining carbon emissions has spawned an emerging carbon market that was valued at US$64 billion (Euro 47 billion) in 2007. Its biggest success so far has been to send market signals for the price of mitigating carbon emissions. This, in turn, has stimulated innovation and carbon abatement worldwide, as motivated individuals, communities, companies and governments have cooperated to reduce emissions.

State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2012

mei, 2013

The total value of the carbon market grew by 11 percent in 2011, to $176 billion, and transaction volumes reached a new high of 10.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). This growth took place in the face of economic turbulence, growing long-term oversupply in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and plummeting carbon prices. By far, the largest segment of the carbon market was that of EU Allowances (EUAs), valued at $148 billion.

Strategic Reorientation of the Housing Provident Fund System in the People's Republic of China

maart, 2013

The objective of this report is to
respond to the request of the Ministry of Housing and
Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), to assess the Housing
Provident Fund (HPF) system, and provide recommendations on
its positioning, strategy and future role in the overall
housing policy. The report focuses on a strategic review of
the HPF system and its strategy, mission, and operational
structure, and then analyses the market in which the