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Displaying 61 - 72 of 87

Delhi Jal Board : Wastewater Management PPP Options Study

maart, 2013

Delhi Jal Board (DJB) is exploring
options for public private partnerships (PPP) in the
wastewater services as part of a strategy to expand sewerage
access and to meet its environmental obligations. The
purpose of this report is to identify those models of
partnership which are most relevant to DJB's situation
and to discuss some of the advantages and risks associated
with them. The report goes on to propose an outline for a

Regulation of the Indian Port Sector

maart, 2013

This report sets out various options for
regulatory reform of the Indian port sector. The terms of
reference from The World Bank require the Author making
recommendations to the Ministry of Finance (Department of
Economic Affairs) with respect to alternative institutional
and legal options for regulation of the port sector in India
as well as analysing key considerations in the regulation of
this sector and the way they are being addressed in the

Azerbaijan : Country Environmental Analysis

februari, 2013

The Country Environmental Analysis,
presents a review of environmental priorities, public
environmental expenditures and the supporting institutional
framework and makes recommendations to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of public environmental
expenditure in Azerbaijan. The focus is to identify areas
for improvement and changes to ensure that the process of
establishing environment-related priorities is sufficiently

Republic of Tajikistan : Accounting and Auditing

februari, 2013

This report describes the results of a
ROSC assessment of the accounting, financial reporting and
auditing requirements and practices of the Republic of
Tajikistan's enterprise and financial sectors. The
report assesses the quality of the Tajik financial reporting
framework and makes policy recommendations for improvement.
With a gross national income per capita of US$430,
Tajikistan remains the poorest country in the former Soviet

Mecanismos de financiamiento público para el desarrollo rural

Training Resources & Tools
januari, 2013

Este documento contiene información descriptiva y de referencia sobre los diferentes mecanismos de financiamiento público para el desarrollo rural en Bolivia. El material se produjo en el marco de dos seminarios realizados con el objetivo de difundir esta informacióncon organizaciones vinculadas a Trocaire y el Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA) en el departamento de La Paz.

How to Accelerate Corporate and Financial Sector Restructuring in East Asia

augustus, 2012

Resolving systemic banking and corporate
distress is not easy. The large scale of the East Asian
financial crisis has made the task even more daunting in
Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand.
Two years into the process, bank and corporate restructuring
is still a work in progress. Governments should act to
accelerate it. Besides adopting common policy prescriptions
- improving financial regulation, corporate governance, and

Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure : Land-Based Financing Options for Cities

Reports & Research
juli, 2012

Raising capital to finance urban
infrastructure is a challenge. One solution is to
'unlock' urban land values - such as by selling
public lands to capture the gains in value created by
investment in infrastructure projects. Land-based financing
techniques are playing an increasingly important role in
financing urban infrastructure in developing countries. They
complement other capital financing approaches, such as local

Bosnia and Herzegovina : Investment Climate Assessment

juni, 2012

The private enterprise sector in Bosnia
and Herzegovina (BiH) has been expanding steadily, and
estimates are that it presently contributes close to 50
percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The BiH private
enterprise sector initially developed following the
privatization program starting in 1999. Under that program,
the majority of state owned enterprises (SOEs) that were
privatized were done so using the voucher privatization

Mongolia - Promoting Investment and Job Creation : An Investment Climate Assessment and Trade Integration Study

Reports & Research
juni, 2012

The aim of this report is to identify a set of concrete steps that the government of Mongolia might take to promote private-sector activity and greater integration with the global economy in a way that leads to job creation, broad-based growth and most importantly, poverty reduction. It does this by combining an assessment of the investment climate faced by firms (through analyses of firm and household surveys and supply chains in selected sectors) with a diagnostic trade integration study. The report is structured as follows.

Breaking the Cycle : A Strategy for Conflict-Sensitive Rural Growth in Burundi

mei, 2012

The study on the sources of rural growth
in Burundi results from a meticulous work carried out by
eminent experts of the World Bank in response to a request
of the Government of Burundi. It describes the global
environment, which explains poverty aggravation and builds
proposals to overcome most binding constraints to growth in
Burundi. This study is an important contribution in the
fight against poverty, as it identifies ways to resume

A Mamba e o Dragão Relações Moçambique-China em Perspectiva

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2012

O crescente posicionamento da China, de mera aquiescência para um manifesto activismo, no que concerne os assuntos africanos está a transformar a dinâmica do sistema pós-colonial (Braütigam 2009, Alden 2007; Taylor 2006). Desde o  início do processo de reforma interna, iniciada em 1978, que a fé maoísta e o altruísmo revolucionário deram lugar a empreendedores comerciais e a defensores das formas de mercado capitalista, agindo conscientemente em interesse próprio.