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Bhutan Macroeconomic and Public Finance Policy Note

juni, 2016

Bhutan’s hydropower generation potential
raises the prospect of tremendous development opportunities
for the country: fast increasing export revenue, sustained
economic growth, and rapid poverty reduction. Driven by
developments in the hydropower sector, the country has grown
at an average rate of 7 percent per year over the last
decade, while poverty has declined remarkably fast. But
hydropower development also creates significant challenges

Metodologia de Estudo dos Impactos dos MegaProjectos

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2016

Nas últimas décadas, tem-se verificado uma crescente procura de recursos energéticos, minerais e terra. No que respeita à terra (e água), o objectivo principal da procura é a produção de commodities e alimentos (sobretudo grãos), com sistemas de produção em grande escala de monoculturas, sob formas de subcontratação e pela acção de traders para abastecer o mercado internacional, em especial as grandes economias emergentes (“economias baleia”, assim designadas por consumirem muito – China e Índia).

A Financial Recovery Plan for Vietnam Electricity

april, 2016

This report sets forth details of a financial recovery plan designed to help Vietnam Electricity (EVN), and the Vietnamese power sector more generally, to address a series of complex and interconnected challenges over the next 3 to 10 years. These challenges are operational and institutional as well as financial, and will lead to fundamental changes over time in the way that EVN and the overall power sector operate.

Improved Agricultural Technology Adoption in Zambia

Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2016

The use of modern seed varieties and other improved technologies is essential for farmers to significantly increase their crop harvest and improve their livelihoods. All over Sub-Saharan Africa, agriculture productivity growth has remained very low over many decades irrespective of gender of the farmer. However, studies have shown that women farmers fare worse than the male counterparts in terms of adoption of improved technology and productivity.


Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

In the last years the Brazilian agricultural frontier is expanding towards the cerrado region, more specifically the region called MATOPIBA, comprised of savannah areas of four different states located in the north and northeastern parts of the country. This research paper aims to show a recent pattern of second wave investments in the frontier aimed at inferior quality land.

Políticas Públicas e Agricultura

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Por razões conhecidas, o sector agrícola tem um papel fundamental na economia moçambicana. Este tema é relevante, por um lado, porque a agricultura é considerada a base de desenvolvimento do nosso país e, por outro, porque as políticas públicas influenciam o comportamento de diversas variáveis da actividade agrária. Moçambique possui condições naturais para, a longo prazo, desenvolver um sector agrário diversificado, dinâmico e sustentável. Existem mais de 36 milhões de hectares de terra arável, dos quais somente 10% estão em uso e, destes, 90% pelo sector familiar (PEDSA, 2011).

Questões sobre o desenvolvimento produtivo de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2015

Nas últimas duas décadas, a economia de Moçambique tem crescido a taxas relativamente elevadas, a uma média anual superior a 7%, quase duas vezes mais depressa do que a média para a África Sub-Sahariana, e continuou a crescer rapidamente mesmo com a crise económica internacional prolongada que tem afectado as economias mais desenvolvidas na última década. Além disso, tornou-se numa das três economias africanas que mais investimento directo estrangeiro (IDE) e empréstimos comerciais do sistema financeiro internacional recebe.

Small Countries with Volatile Revenue

augustus, 2015

Bhutan and Botswana share a number of
similarities. The two countries, land locked small states,
have grown rapidly over the past few decades, boosted by
sustained, large-scale inflows of foreign exchange.
Botswana’s annual real growth rate averaged 9 percent over
the past 40 years, driven by diamond exploration, whereas
Bhutan has taken full advantage of generous foreign aid
inflows to achieve an average growth rate of 8 percent per

Operation Phakisa’s Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration: Department of Mineral Resources briefing

Legislation & Policies
augustus, 2015
South Africa

The Department of Mineral Resources is attempting to develop oil and gas drilling in South Africa through Operation Phakisa. The project is still in the early stages of research and exploration, but the Department aims to have 30 wells built in 10 years. DME estimates very roughly, that as many as 9 billion barrels of oil and 9 billion barrels of gas could be within South African borders, and many national and international companies have expressed interest in investing in South African drilling.