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Terra tradicionalmente ocupada, direito originário e a inconstitucionalidade do marco temporal ante a proeminência do art. 231 e 232 da 1988

Reports & Research
december, 2016

Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo abordar alguns dos aspectos acerca da demarcação de terras indígenas no Brasil, em especial, o entendimento e aplicação do denominado “marco temporal” pelos tribunais, como condicionante para determinar a tradicionalidade, ou não, destas terras. Da mesma forma, serão analisados os possíveis avanços dos direitos indigenistas após a promulgação da Constituição Federal brasileira de 1988.

Legalized Rent-Seeking: Eminent Domain in Kazakhstan

Reports & Research
december, 2016

Cornell International Law Journal: Vol. 50 : No. 1 , Article 2 Kazakhstan ranks consistently low on measures of property rights protection and the rule of law more generally.1 Echoing these evaluations, existing literature emphasizes the degree to which informal institutions shape property relations in personalist, authoritarian regimes, like Kazakhstan. The expectation is that formal institutions like law and courts fail to restrain or otherwise influence state agents’ rent-seeking behavior. In effect, they serve primarily as ornamentation.

Property Rights and Resource Governance Guatemala

Reports & Research
november, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean

In Guatemala, a history of discrimination and inequality of opportunity led to a 36-year conflict that finally subsided with a Peace Agreement in 1996. Improvements since then have prevented a return to conflict and begun to create the conditions for sustained stability. However, the persistence of substantial inequality constitutes a risk factor for future stability and constrains Guatemala’s growth potential. Land distribution is highly unequal. The largest 2.5% of farms occupy nearly two-thirds of agricultural land while 90% of the farms are on only one-sixth of the agricultural land.

'Land grabbing' and international investment law: toward a global reconfiguration of property?

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2016
South America
United States of America

This yearbook chapter discusses the link between international investment law and commercial pressures on the world’s natural resources. It argues that changes in legal frameworks are redefining control over natural resources, and facilitating transitions toward more commercialised land relations. As pressures on resources increase, many national laws undermine the rights of people impacted by investments. If not properly thought through, international treaties to protect foreign investment could compound shortcomings of local and national governance.

San Juan y el conflicto de tierra en Argentina

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2016

El autor plantea un análisis a la problemática de acceso a la tierra desde el ejemplo sucedido en la Provincia de San Juan en Argentina. La falta de reconocimiento de la propiedad de las tierras ancestrales para con los pueblos originarios causa conflictos con compradores que recurren al desalojo y al avasallamiento para obtener la tierra. Por su parte, las comunidades usan todos los medios posibles para defender su tierra de origen. El IPDRS se complace en presentarles el artículo 176 de la serie Diálogos  que nos muestra un caso de acceso y lucha por el territorio.

Encroaching on Land and Livelihoods: How National Expropriation Laws Measure Up Against International Standards

Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2016

Encroaching on Land and Livelihoods examines whether national expropriation laws in 30 countries across Asia and Africa follow the international standards established in Section 16 of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGTs). Section 16 of the VGGTs establishes standards on expropriation, compensation, and resettlement to ensure tenure security and responsible land governance. The UN Committee on World Food Security officially endorsed the VGGTs in 2012.

Expropriation Bill [B4D-2015]: adoption, with Deputy Minister present; Government debt owed to municipalities: payment progress report by DPW

Legislation & Policies
mei, 2016
South Africa

The Committee met to deal with the two proposed amendments that had been made by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on the Expropriation Bill [B4B-2015]. The first amendment aimed to increase the number of days in which the municipal manager must inform the expropriating authority, in writing, of charges from 20 days to 30 days, if land which had been expropriated is subject to municipal rates.

Country Partnership Framework for the Republic of Honduras for the Period FY16 - FY20

januari, 2016

Honduras’ recent economic performance
has been positive, especially taking into account the global
economic context. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
accelerated from 2.8 percent in 2013 to 3.1 percent in 2014
and 3.6 percent in the first half of 2015. Growth has been
supported by improved terms of trade, higher remittance
inflows and export demand driven by the on-going recovery of
the United States (US), and improved investor confidence.

Jordan Economic Monitor, Fall 2015

januari, 2016

The Jordan economic monitor provides an
update on key economic developments and policies over the
past six months. It also presents findings from recent World
Bank work on Jordan. It places them in a longer-term and
global context, and assesses the implications of these
developments and other changes in policy for the outlook for
the country. Its coverage ranges from the macro-economy to
financial markets to indicators of human welfare and

Mapping for investability: remaking land and maps in Lesotho

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Maps are instrumental in the commodification of land and its exchange in markets. The critical cartog- raphy literature emphasizes the ‘‘power of maps” to (re)define property relations through their descrip- tive and prescriptive attributes. But how do maps work to achieve these outcomes? This paper examines the notion of maps as ‘‘inscription devices” that turn land into a commodity that can be bought and sold by investors. It is based on the analysis of a land reform project in the Southern African country of Lesotho.