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State Lands and Land Laws: A Hand Book

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2015
Sri Lanka

The state owns over 80% of the land in Sri Lanka. The remainder is owned by private parties. Under the State Lands Encroachments Ordinance, all waste lands, forest lands, unoccupied and uncultivated lands are presumed to belong to the state until the contrary is proved (section 7) and all cinnamon land which have been uninterruptedly possessed by the state for over 30 years are held and deemed to belong to the state (section 6).

Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: Chapter 4 proposed amendments, with Deputy Minister

Legislation & Policies
oktober, 2015
South Africa

The Committee continued deliberations on the official list of committee proposed amendments to the Bill (A-list) accompanied by the B version which incorporated all the proposed amendments into the Bill. Chapter 4 on Intention to Expropriate and Expropriation of Property was completed.

Extension of Security Tenure Amendment Bill [B24-2015]: briefing by Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

Legislation & Policies
oktober, 2015
South Africa

The Deputy Minister of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR), addressed the Committee on the motivation for the amendments to the Extension of security of tenure (land) Amendment Bill, saying the fundamental resolve was to overcome decades of hardship in South Africa. Its redress was not about obsolete political stories, but about the creation of just opportunities.

Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: deliberations on public comments, with Deputy Minister

Legislation & Policies
augustus, 2015
South Africa

The Deputy Minister of Public Works continued to take Members through the comments made during the public hearings on the Expropriation Bill, indicating what comments had been made and whether the Department agreed with them or had other views. The Department had added to the Preamble to make it clear that section 34 of the Constitution provided that anyone had the right to approach the courts for resolution of a dispute. In relation to the definitions, there was discussion on whether the Bill should refer to both high courts and magistrates’ courts.

Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: deliberations on public comments, in presence of Deputy Minister

Legislation & Policies
augustus, 2015
South Africa

The Deputy Minister of Public Works, Mr Jeremy Cronin, briefed the Committee on the preliminary responses of the Department of Public Works (DPW) to the inputs received during the public hearings on the Expropriation Bill [B4- 2015]. However, the Department had been expecting that the Committee would finalise its report on those hearings and thus did not yet have a full written response. The DPW acknowledged that there were many useful points but had not accepted all input.

Rama and Riemvasmaak challenges: Department progress report; Spatial Planning Land Use Management Act implementation; Committee Oversight Visit Report

Legislation & Policies
augustus, 2015
South Africa

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DLDLR) provided a progress report on its interventions to address the challenges arising from the actions of the Rama Communal Property Association (CPA). The CPA had initiated some income generating activities on its land, which included a quarry business, and had started a museum and an entertainment centre that featured a cinema. In partnership with the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and private investors the CPA was in the process of developing houses on its land.

Pasture Management in Georgia

Reports & Research
juli, 2015

A study was conducted with the goal of describing the current frame conditions of pasture use in Georgia and identifying the bottlenecks and obstacles that restrict the productivity of Georgian pastures and limit the income generated by Georgian farmers from pasture related agricultural activities. Whenever possible, findings were elaborated into concrete proposals for action, addressing the legislator, donors, or project implementers.

La legislación peruana y los derechos de pequeños agricultores y comunidades a la propiedad de las tierras - Laureano del Castillo. CEPES. (octubre 2014)

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2015

Se presenta el estado actual de la legislación peruana sobre las tierras agrícolas y las posibilidades de que los pequeños productores, individuales y colectivos accedan a la tierra. La legislación peruana es resultado de las profundas modificaciones en los marcos institucionales y políticos vividos en las últimas décadas y por ello, se aparta de los lineamientos de los paises vecinos.

Expropriation Bill: briefing by Minister & Deputy Minister; Public Works 2015/16 Strategic & Annual Performance Plan

Legislation & Policies
maart, 2015
South Africa

With the Minister of Public Works in attendance, the Deputy Minister gave a briefing on the Expropriation Bill (B4-2015). He said that expropriation is an essential mechanism for the state to acquire property in certain instances. Section 25 of the Constitution provides that property may be expropriated only in terms of general application and to that no law may permit arbitrary deprivation of property. The Constitution states that expropriation may occur only for a public purpose or in the public interest and subject to payment of compensation.

Expropriation Bill

Legislation & Policies
januari, 2015
South Africa

To provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public
interest, subject to just and equitable compensation; and to provide for matters
connected therewith.

Expanding Women's Access to Land and Housing in Urban Areas

december, 2014

Evidence is mounting that secure
property rights have positive effects for poor people in
general and women in particular. The aim of this report is
to review what is known about women s access to and control
over land and real property in urban settings, identifying
approaches to strengthening property rights that enhance
women s agency, and sharing key lessons. Section two
synthesizes the evidence on urban women s priorities with