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Memo to the Mayor : Improving Access to Urban Land for All Residents - Fulfilling the Promise

maart, 2014

As the world is urbanizing, many cities
are grappling with a population that is growing rapidly,
thereby increasing demand for land and housing. This
pressure on land and housing markets often is exacerbated by
inappropriate or inadequate policies. The result is a supply
of well-located land and housing that falls well short of
demand and the proliferation of poorly serviced informal
settlements, many of which are located far from jobs, city

Introducing: Farmland Acquisition in China: Governance, Local Practices and International Experiences

Reports & Research
januari, 2014

How to manage China’s farmland for sustainable development has become a crucial issue of concern for both policy-makers and the wider public. Rural land acquisition has been widely recognized as a complex process of managing conflicts among stakeholders, which has been a major constraint to equitable development and good governance.

NRC Report: "Tenure security, land rights and the provision of humanitarian shelter"

januari, 2014

Providing shelter is essential in saving lives and decreasing the vulnerability of those displaced by conflict or natural disasters, and as such, should be a strategic priority in any humanitarian intervention. However humanitarian organisations increasingly struggle to provide shelter to those that need it most when the tenure of beneficiaries – that is the conditions under which they occupy land or dwellings – is uncertain or insecure.

Illegal Logging in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Energy, Environment and Resources documents

Reports & Research
januari, 2014
Democratic Republic of the Congo


This paper is part of a broader Chatham House study which assesses illegal logging and the associated trade. The study, which began in 2006, measures the nature and extent of the problem, and the effectiveness of the response by both the government and the private sector in a number of producer, processing and consumer countries.



Agricultural change, land, and violence in Darfur

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2014
Central African Republic

Most analyses of violence in Darfur ignore the local dimension of the crisis, focusing instead on the region’s economic and political marginalization and climatic variability. However, agricultural change and other changes relating to the land-rights and land-use systems have led to competition and exclusion, and have played a major role in the collective violence that has raged throughout the region. Understanding these questions is essential for the successful resolution of political and policy debates in Darfur.

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Production d’agrocarburants et accaparements de terres en Guinée : conséquences de la politique énergétique de l’UE - [étude]

Reports & Research
december, 2013

En 2009, l’UE s’est fixé comme objectif de porter à 10 % la part des énergies renouvelables dans sa consommation énergétique d’ici 2020. Dans le secteur des transports, cela s’est traduit par une législation qui promeut l’utilisation des carburants d’origine végétale : les agrocarburants.

Les entreprises françaises impliquées dans l’acquisition et la gestion de grands domaines agricoles et plantations à l’international [documents]

Reports & Research
december, 2013

Sur fond de débat international sur l’« accaparement des terres », l’ONG Agronomes et vétérinaires sans frontières (AVSF) fait le point sur les groupes français qui achètent ou gèrent de grandes surfaces agricoles dans des pays étrangers.

Watch Letter Land Issues in the Mediterranean Countries - CIHEAM

Reports & Research
december, 2013

CIHEAM - Watch Letter N.28 released: "Land Issues in the Mediterranean Countries"

Since 2007 CIHEAM is publishing a quarterly Watch Letter devoted to Major Issues in Mediterranean Agriculture, Food and Rural Areas. Each Issue contains a series of articles on a specific topic, together with information on CIHEAM current activities.

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How the world is paving the way for corporate land grabs - Publication - ActionAid

Reports & Research
december, 2013

"For millions of people living in the world’s poorest countries, access to land is a matter not of wealth, but of survival, identity and belonging. Most of the 1.4 billion people earning less than US$1.25 a day live in rural areas and depend largely on agriculture for their livelihoods, while an estimated 2.5 billion people are involved in full- or part-time smallholder agriculture.