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Act to amend the Crown Lands and Forests Act.

Northern America

The present Act introduces some amendments to the Crown Lands and Forests Act. In particular, it adds after section 94 a paragraph establishing that additional fees shall be paid by a municipality, corporation, board, commission or any person who makes an application to the Minister to do any of the following shall pay the fee prescribed by the regulation: a) to issue a grant of Crown Lands, b) to make an order, to grant or convey land, c) to lease Crown lands shall pay the fee prescribed by regulation.

Amends: Crown Lands and Forests Act (S.N.B. 1980, c. C-38.1). (2014-05-01)

Land Surveyors Registration Act.

Marshall Islands

This Act provides for the registration of land surveyors i.e. persons carrying out: (a) surveys of the boundaries of land, or surveys for the purpose of the establishment, reestablishment or determination of titles to land; and (b) any activity performed in relation to the practice of land surveying as defined in section 303 of this Act. The Act provides also for the appointment of a Surveyor General and a Board of Land Surveyor Examiners.The Surveyor General is charged with the general administration and supervision of this Act.

Chapter 3 of Title 41 of the Pohnpei State Code - Land Measurement System.


This Chapter introduces the metric measurement system for the survey of land. It declares that no contract or dealing or pleading in any court shall be deemed invalid or liable to objection because the measures expressed or referred to therein are measures of the metric system. The Chapter also concerns the compensation for the supply of land markers by the Division of Surveying and Mapping and prohibits the illegal removal or altering of land marks.

Chapter 6 of Title 38 of the Pohnpei State Code - Board of Land Surveyors Examiners and Surveyors Registration Act of 1982.


This Act concerns the registration of land surveyors and for this purpose establishes the Board of Land Surveyors Examiners. The Board shall keep a Register of Land Surveyors. The Act prohibits surveying of land unless a person is registered as a land surveyor and specifies criteria for registration. The Act also provides for control of the practice of land surveying and defines sanctions for malpractice.

Law No. 5277-vs “On condominiums”.

Western Asia

This Law regulates relations concerning management of common property of condominiums, including common ownership of land on which are located residential facilities. Encumbrance (mortgage) of common property, including common land property shall be authorized and regulated by Civil Code. Establishment and modification of mapping of the boundaries of common land property shall be regulated by acting legislation.

Regional Law No. 20-OZ “On urban land”.

Eastern Europe

This regional law establishes the modalities of land use planning of urban land based upon coordination of public and private interests and conservation of urban forests and forest parks. Regional administration shall be competent in the field of mapping and modification of urban land boundaries. In the process of projecting of urban land areas shall be taken into consideration recreational use of urban forests and forest parks and increase of forest cover.

Regional Law No. 96-ZO “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues related to formation, protection, keeping, functioning and suppression of protected areas, organization and reservation thereof. It classifies protected areas as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) state nature reserves; (c) nature monuments; (d) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (e) healthcare resorts, spas and recreational areas.

Land Boundaries Act, 1841.


This Act allows authorized land officers to ascertain and mark by landmarks the proper boundaries of every grant of lands within Western Australia. Authorized land officers shall then report the boundaries along with a description of the several landmarks placed therein for approval to the Governor-in-Council.

Land and Titles Act.

Solomon Islands

The Act consists of 247 sections divided into 28 Parts: Preliminary (II); Administration (II); Settlement of unregistered documentary titles (III); Systematic settlement (IV); Purchase or lease of customary land by private treaty and compulsory acquisition of land (V); Organization and administration of land registries (VI); Land Ownership (VII); Registration (VIII); Searches and certified copies (IX); Estates (X); Leases (XI); Charges (XII); Transfers (XIII); Control of advertisement (XIV); Easements and profits (XV); Public rights of way (XVI); Restrictive covenants (XVII); Co-ownership a

Rotuma Lands Act.


This Act provides for various aspects relative to dealings in land in Rotuma and provides for the appointment of the Rotuma Lands Commission. The Commission shall ascertain (traditional) land rights, resolve disputes relative to land rights, demarcate land and register land rights (sect. 4). All land found by the Commission to be un-owned shall vest in the Crown in trust for the Rotuman people, but shall not be considered to be Crown land. All moneys derived from such un-owned land shall be paid into the Rotuman Development Fund and be used for the purposes of that Fund.