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Loi fédérale sur la géoinformation (Loi sur la géoinformation, LGéo).

Western Europe

La présente loi vise à ce que les autorités fédérales, cantonales et communales, les milieux économiques, la population et les milieux scientifiques disposent rapidement, simplement et durablement de géodonnées mises à jour, au niveau de qualité requis et d’un coût approprié, couvrant le territoire de la Confédération suisse en vue d’une large utilisation.

Decreto Legislativo Nº 463 - Ley especial para la legalización de los derechos de propiedad, posesión y tenencia de la tierra en las zonas limítrofes delimitadas entre Honduras y El Salvador.

El Salvador
Central America

El presente Decreto Legislativo decreta la Ley especial para la legalización de los derechos de propiedad, posesión y tenencia de la tierra en las zonas limítrofes delimitadas entre Honduras y El Salvador por la Sentencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia de 11 de septiembre de 1992, por medio de la cual cada parte se obligaba a respetar los derechos y libertades de los nacionales de los Estados que quedaron viviendo o tuvieren derechos en los territorios de uno u otro Estado, y que tiene por objeto establecer un régimen jurídico especial que permita ejecutar en forma ágil y expedita, d

Land Act 1969.


This Act consists of 54 sections divided into 5 Parts: Registration (I); Investigation of Title (II); Alienation of Niuean Land (III); Surveys (IV); Miscellaneous Provisions (V).There shall be kept in the Land Registry a Land Register of Niuen and Crown land. Every instrument affecting or relating to the title to any land shall be registered, except titles specified in section 4. The Land Court or the Land Appellate Court shall determine every title to and every interest in Niuean land according to the customs and usages of the Niuean people, as far as the same can be ascertained (sect.

Regional Law No. 105-oz “On objects of cultural heritage”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of conservation, protection, management and promotion of the objects of cultural heritage. All the identified objects of cultural heritage shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Historical and cultural expertise shall be performed in areas containing objects of cultural heritage before the beginning of any land survey practices, excavation or earthwork operations. Boundaries of the areas containing objects of cultural heritage shall be mapped.

Regional Law No. 34-OZ “On land-use planning”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes composition, the modalities of preparation of land-use planning scheme, and also amendments thereto. Territorial land-use planning scheme shall contain mapping of territory, containing designs of environmental protection, recreation, tourism and objects of cultural heritage.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 170-OZ amending Regional Law No. 34-OZ “On land-use planning”. (2013-07-26)

Regional Law No. 20-5213 “On regional and municipal land-use planning”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes composition and contents of land use planning of urban areas in accordance with territorial planning scheme and documents of territorial planning of municipal units. Land-use planning project shall contain graphic scheme (mapping of boundaries) and textual part. The project shall contain mapping of the boundaries of protected areas, water protection areas and sources of potable water supply.

Regional Law No. 141-4-ZKO “On land-use planning projects.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities for elaboration of land-use planning project containing land-use planning scheme, mapping of boundaries of land areas with graphic presentation in accordance with Urban Code, urban vegetation and urban recreational forested areas, objects of cultural heritage, and potable water supply areas and sources.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 67-6-ZKO amending Regional Law No. 141-4-ZKO “On land-use planning projects. (2016-01-27)

Surveyors Act 2007.


This Act regulates the practice of land surveying, and in particular the surveyors register and registration, the regulatory action and the practice of surveying.

Land Code (No.442-II ZRK of 2003).

Central Asia

The stock of land in accordance with its destination is subdivided into the following categories: 1) agricultural land; 2) urban land; 3) industrial land; 4) land of protected areas; 5) forest land; 6) water land; 7) reserve land. The document consists of 5 Sections composed of 21 Chapters that contain 170 articles. Section 1 (Chapters 1-2) lays down general provisions. Chapter 1 (arts. 1-12) lays down general provisions. Chapter 2 (arts. 13-19) establishes competence of state institutions in the field of land relations.

Loi nº 2003-029 modifiant certaines dispositions de l'ordonnance nº 60-146 du 3 octobre 1960 relative au régime foncier de l'immatriculation.

Eastern Africa

La présente loi modifie les dispositions des articles 153, 155, 157, 158, 159 et 173 de la loi portant régime foncier, relatives aux procédures qui peuvent être proposées par les collecivités et qui peuvent porter sur l'une des trois phases suivantes: opération de délimitation d'ensemble consistant soit en simple constatation des occupations, soit en une constatation des droits de propriété par une ou plusieurs brigades topographiques; consécration du droit de propriété par le Tribunal terrier ambulant; établissement des titres de propriété et leur conservation par la conservation de l'admi