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Regional Law No. 98-z on land survey.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law represents a legal basis for carrying out state policy in the sphere of land survey at the regional level, ensuring rational use and protection of land, creation of favourable environment and improvement of landscape and regulates relations between the participants in land survey activity. The Regional Law consists of 4 Sections. Section 1 (arts. 1-4) lays down the general provisions. Section 2 (arts. 5-8) determines relations between the participants in land survey activity. Section 3 (arts.9-19) regards land survey process. Section 4 (art.

Surveys Act 1937.

Norfolk Island

This Act makes provision for the authorization of surveyors by the Administrator and defines powers of such authorized surveyors. The Act also defines the offence of alteration of boundaries or survey marks and sets out regulation-making powers of the Administrator.

Regional Law No. 184-ZKO “On objects of cultural heritage”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law ensures consitutional rights of citizens to access to objects of cultural and historical heritage and establishes duties of citizens for conservation of the objects of cultural heritage. It regulates management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage. Objects of cultural heritage shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Regional Administration shall be responsible for mapping of the boundaries of the land areas containing objects of cultural heritage and establishment of land tenure regime.

Regional Law No. 210-ZKO “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of institution (organization), conservation and protection of protected areas. Regional protected areas shall be classified as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) state nature reserves; (c) nature monuments; (d) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; (e) healthcare areas and spas; and (f) other categories established by the Regional Administration. Land of protected areas shall be classified as public or municipal land and cannot be allotted in ownership to natural and legal persons except for cases envisaged by the federal legislation.

Lands Court Ordinance.

Pitcairn Islands

This Ordinance provides for the constitution of the Lands Court, defines its jurisdiction, functions and duties and provides with respect to the Land Register and other matters such as offences and regulation-making powers of the Governor.The Lands Court shall, among other things: exercise supervisory jurisdiction over all lands on Pitcairn Island; cause land to be demarcated and a Register of Lands to be kept; determine on applications for land allocation in accordance with this Ordinance and the Land Tenure Reform Ordinance; and hear disputes relative to ownership of land on Pitcairn Isla

Regional Law No. 49-OZ “On delimitation of plenary powers between state bodies in the sphere of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law delimits plenary powers between state bodies in the sphere of land relations. Regional Administration shall carry out the following plenary powers: (a) management of public land; (b) establishment of authorized regional state institution in the sphere of land relations; (c) decision-making related to purchase of land for public purposes; (d) imposition of use restrictions on land; (e) establishment of the amount of land charges and land lease fees; (f) establishment of the modalities of land survey; and (g) decision-making related to expropriation of land.

Ley Nº 2/2004 - Ley del Plan de Ordenación del Litoral.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley del Plan de Ordenación del Litoral, tiene por objeto la aprobación del Plan de Ordenación del Litoral, con la finalidad de dotar de una protección integral y efectiva a la franja costera, así como el establecimiento de criterios para la ordenación del territorio de los municipios costeros de Cantabria.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 8/2013 - Modifica la Ley Nº 2/2004, Ley del Plan de Ordenación del Litoral. (2013-12-02)

Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, 2001 (No. 3 of 2001).

Sierra Leone
Western Africa

This Act amends the Town and Country Planning Act, 1948 by repealing and replacing section 6. Section 6 concerns the declaration of a planning area by the Minister. If the Minister is of the opinion that a scheme should be made for the whole of Sierra Leone or, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities, that a scheme should be made for a specific area, the Minister may, by Order, declare that the whole of Sierra Leone or the area, as specified by a survey plan, shall be a planning area. Special rules apply to Freetown.

Land Survey Ordinance (Chapter 473).

Eastern Asia

This Ordinance aims at controlling the standards of land boundary surveys for land subdivision.The Ordinance establishes a Land Survey Authority which shall be responsible for checking the quality of land boundary plans submitted by Authorized Land Surveyors and maintain a record of these plans for reference by other land surveyors. It has also appointed a Land Surveyors Registration Committee.