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Décret nº 2003-908 portant application de la loi nº 2003-029 modifiant certaines dispositions de l'ordonnance nº 60-146 du 3 octobre 1960 relative au régime foncier de l'immatriculation.

Eastern Africa

Conformément au nouveau texte de l'article 153 de la loi nº 60-146, les procédures proposées au choix des collecivités peuvent porter sur l'une des trois phases suivantes: opération de délimitation d'ensemble consistant soit en simple constatation des occupations, soit en une constatation des droits de propriété par une ou plusieurs brigades topographiques; consécration du droit de propriété par le Tribunal terrier ambulant; établissement des titres de propriété et leur conservation par la conservation de l'administration foncière.

Law on register and land rights.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law contains provisions on: contents of land books; cadastral survey; cadastral territorial units and their specific zoning; land sorting capability (including agricultural land evaluation); maintenance survey; process for the establishment, management and maintenance of national land register; and various other rules governing the rights and obligations of land tenure/land concession holders on the territory of the Brcko District (autonomous self-government part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Survey Act 1992.


The Act, consisting of 63 sections divided into 6 Parts and completed by one Schedule is composed as follows: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Licensing and Registration (III); Surveying (IV); Establishment of Land Boundaries (V); and Miscellaneous (VI).

Implemented by: Survey Regulations 2007. (2017-06-22)

Surveyors Act 1929.


The Act (31 sections) is divided into 5 Parts, i.e.: Preliminary (I); Board of Surveyors (II); The Register (II); Registered Surveyors (IV); and Miscellaneous (V).The Board of Surveyors, constituted under this Act, keeps a register of surveyors and deals with offences of and charges against surveyors. The board shall cause a notification of the registration of every surveyor to be published in the Gazette. The Act contains the requirements to be a registered surveyor and describes the powers and duties of surveyors (right to make surveys, entry upon land).

Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Eastern Asia

The Law is divided into 8 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Ownership and Right to the Use Land (II); General Plans for the Utilization of Land (III); Protection of Cultivated Land (IV); Land for Construction Purposes (V); Supervision and Examination (VI); Legal Responsibilities (VII); Supplementary Provisions (VIII).This Law grants the ownership of land in rural and suburban areas to the collectives. Such land must be registered and recorded by the Governments at the county level. State-owned land may be used by units or by individuals and is recorded by local People's Governments.

Law No. 778-XV on geodesy and cartography.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates activities in the sphere of geodesy and cartography including: (a) distant zoning of the earth; and (b) mapping and demarcation of the state frontier, administrative boundaries and plots of land pertaining to private ownership. The object of geodetic and cartographic activity shall be national territory. The State Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre shall carry out geodetic and cartographic activity, mapping, zoning and updating of land cadastre data.

Regional Law No. 97 “On objects of cultural heritage”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues of state protection and management of the objects of cultural heritage recorded in the state register of the objects of cultural heritage, including land areas and historical and cultural environment. Objects of cultural heritage shall be subject to state identification, monitoring and registration. Objects of cultural heritage shall be classified as of regional and local significance.

Registered Land Law (2004 Revision).

Cayman Islands

This Law makes provision with respect to registration of title in land and effects of registration and provides for a wide variety of matters regarding specific title in land such as leases, charges, transfers, co-ownership and partition, trusts and transmission on death.The Law establishes a Land Register and requires the Governor to appoint a Land Registrar, the functions and powers of which are defined by this Law. The Land Register shall consist of a register of parcels adjudicated under the Land Adjudication Law and a register of each lease required by the Law to be registered.

Framework Act on the National Land.

Republic of Korea
Eastern Asia

The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the national land by providing for fundamental matters concerning the formulation and implementation of plans for and policies on the national land. The Act consists of 33 articles divided into 6 Chapters: General provisions (I); Formulation, etc. of national land plan (II); Efficient promotion of national land plan (III); Construction of national land information system, etc. (IV); National Land Policy Committee (V); Supplementary provisions (VI).

Cadastral Act.

Republic of Korea
Eastern Asia

This Act provides for the efficient management of land and the protection of ownership by registering the information concerning land in a cadastral record and managing it after conducting its survey and measurement, and by prescribing the matters related to the furnishing of registered information. The Act consists of 54 articles divided into 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Cadastral record (II); Application for land alteration and cadastral adjustment (III); Cadastral survey (IV); Registration, etc.

Law No. 332-II ZRK on geodesy and cartography.

Central Asia

The present Law regulates relations between state institutions, natural and legal persons in the sphere of geodetic and cartographic activity. The Law consists of 18 articles. Article 1 introduces the main concepts. Article 2 specifies legislation in the sphere of geodesy and cartography. Article 3 classifies objects and subjects of geodetic and cartographic activity. Article 4 specifies the main directions of geodetic and cartographic activity. Article 5 establishes the competence of the government. Article 6 establishes the competence of the authorized institution.